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Media Scrapper

A distributed pipeline for scrapping image and video over web.

How to run

For development environment

docker-compose -f up

For production environment

docker-compose up -d


There is an Nginx server on endpoint localhost:3050 which comprises two different endpoints, one for serving the client on the home route and the other one for backend API on /api/*


As you can see on localhost:3050 I couldn't put much time on client and it just has a text area where you can add urls. but no media scrolling fascinated stuff. sorry for that I prioritize having a well-structured system in a limited time of 5 hours in total.


In the server side, we have a microservice over Redis Stream. there is an api-gateway layer which is responsible for sending request to the scraper microservices and also /api/media endpoint that is for fetching media, pagination.

Testing endpoints

You need to have a Postman.

For sending URLs, a POST request to localhost:3050/api/url/ with following body:

{ "urls": [""] }

For fetching the medias a GET request to localhost:3050/api/media?category=image&page=1&size=10

the category must be of following options:

const MediaType = {
  VIDEO: "video",
  IMAGE: "image",