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added metadata parsing + typing (still need api + codegen)
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ncannasse committed Mar 21, 2010
1 parent 42c299b commit 9c1f1b1
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Showing 10 changed files with 138 additions and 76 deletions.
61 changes: 22 additions & 39 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,48 +19,31 @@ haxe.exe: $(FILES)
ocamlopt $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(FILES)

../neko/libs/include/ocaml/binast.cmx: ../neko/libs/include/ocaml/nast.cmx

genneko.cmx: type.cmx codegen.cmx ../neko/libs/include/ocaml/nxml.cmx ../neko/libs/include/ocaml/nast.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ../neko/libs/include/ocaml/binast.cmx ast.cmx

../neko/libs/include/ocaml/nxml.cmx: ../neko/libs/include/ocaml/nast.cmx

codegen.cmx: typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx genxml.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

common.cmx: type.cmx ast.cmx

genas3.cmx: type.cmx codegen.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

genjs.cmx: type.cmx codegen.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

genphp.cmx: type.cmx codegen.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

genswf.cmx: type.cmx codegen.cmx genswf9.cmx genswf8.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

genswf8.cmx: type.cmx codegen.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

genswf9.cmx: type.cmx codegen.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

genxml.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx


lexer.cmx: ast.cmx

main.cmx: typer.cmx typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx lexer.cmx genxml.cmx genswf.cmx genneko.cmx genjs.cmx genas3.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

parser.cmx: lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
codegen.cmx: typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx genxml.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
common.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx ast.cmx
genas3.cmx: type.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
gencpp.cmx: type.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
genjs.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
genneko.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
genphp.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
genswf.cmx: type.cmx genswf9.cmx genswf8.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
genswf8.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
genswf9.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx genswf8.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
genxml.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
lexer.cmx: ast.cmx
main.cmx: typer.cmx typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx \
optimizer.cmx lexer.cmx genxml.cmx genswf.cmx genphp.cmx genneko.cmx \
genjs.cmx gencpp.cmx genas3.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
optimizer.cmx: typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
parser.cmx: lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
(ocamlopt -pp camlp4o $(CFLAGS) -c 2>tmp.cmi && $(OUTPUT)) || ($(OUTPUT) && exit 1)

type.cmx: ast.cmx

typecore.cmx: type.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

typeload.cmx: typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

typer.cmx: typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx codegen.cmx optimizer.cmx

optimizer.cmx: type.cmx

type.cmx: ast.cmx
typecore.cmx: type.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
typeload.cmx: typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx
typer.cmx: typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx optimizer.cmx \
lexer.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx

rm -f haxe.exe
Expand Down
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ type token =
| IntInterval of string
| Macro of string
| Question
| At

type unop_flag =
| Prefix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +199,8 @@ type type_param = string * type_path_normal list

type documentation = string option

type metadata = (string * expr list) list

type access =
| APublic
| APrivate
Expand All @@ -207,9 +210,9 @@ type access =
| AInline

type class_field =
| FVar of string * documentation * access list * type_path option * expr option
| FFun of string * documentation * access list * type_param list * func
| FProp of string * documentation * access list * string * string * type_path
| FVar of string * documentation * metadata * access list * type_path option * expr option
| FFun of string * documentation * metadata * access list * type_param list * func
| FProp of string * documentation * metadata * access list * string * string * type_path

type enum_flag =
| EPrivate
Expand All @@ -222,12 +225,13 @@ type class_flag =
| HExtends of type_path_normal
| HImplements of type_path_normal

type enum_constructor = string * documentation * (string * bool * type_path) list * pos
type enum_constructor = string * documentation * metadata * (string * bool * type_path) list * pos

type ('a,'b) definition = {
d_name : string;
d_doc : documentation;
d_params : type_param list;
d_meta : metadata;
d_flags : 'a list;
d_data : 'b;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,6 +384,7 @@ let s_token = function
| IntInterval s -> s ^ "..."
| Macro s -> "#" ^ s
| Question -> "?"
| At -> "@"

let unescape s =
let b = Buffer.create 0 in
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ let extend_remoting ctx c t p async prot =
let decls = (try Typeload.parse_module ctx path p with e -> <- rules; raise e) in <- rules;
let base_fields = [
(FVar ("__cnx",None,[],Some (TPNormal { tpackage = ["haxe";"remoting"]; tname = if async then "AsyncConnection" else "Connection"; tparams = []; tsub = None }),None),p);
(FFun ("new",None,[APublic],[],{ f_args = ["c",false,None,None]; f_type = None; f_expr = (EBinop (OpAssign,(EConst (Ident "__cnx"),p),(EConst (Ident "c"),p)),p) }),p);
(FVar ("__cnx",None,[],[],Some (TPNormal { tpackage = ["haxe";"remoting"]; tname = if async then "AsyncConnection" else "Connection"; tparams = []; tsub = None }),None),p);
(FFun ("new",None,[],[APublic],[],{ f_args = ["c",false,None,None]; f_type = None; f_expr = (EBinop (OpAssign,(EConst (Ident "__cnx"),p),(EConst (Ident "c"),p)),p) }),p);
] in
let tvoid = TPNormal { tpackage = []; tname = "Void"; tparams = []; tsub = None } in
let build_field is_public acc (f,p) =
match f with
| FFun ("new",_,_,_,_) ->
| FFun ("new",_,_,_,_,_) ->
| FFun (name,doc,acl,pl,f) when (is_public || List.mem APublic acl) && not (List.mem AStatic acl) ->
| FFun (name,doc,meta,acl,pl,f) when (is_public || List.mem APublic acl) && not (List.mem AStatic acl) ->
if List.exists (fun (_,_,t,_) -> t = None) f.f_args then error ("Field " ^ name ^ " type is not complete and cannot be used by RemotingProxy") p;
let eargs = [EArrayDecl ( (fun (a,_,_,_) -> (EConst (Ident a),p)) f.f_args),p] in
let ftype = (match f.f_type with Some (TPNormal { tpackage = []; tname = "Void" }) -> None | _ -> f.f_type) in
Expand All @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ let extend_remoting ctx c t p async prot =
f_type = if async then None else ftype;
f_expr = (EBlock [expr],p);
} in
(FFun (name,None,[APublic],pl,f),p) :: acc
(FFun (name,None,[],[APublic],pl,f),p) :: acc
| _ -> acc
let decls = (fun d ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ let rec build_generic ctx c p tl =
with Error(Module_not_found path,_) when path = (pack,name) ->
let m = (try Hashtbl.find ctx.modules (Hashtbl.find ctx.types_module c.cl_path) with Not_found -> assert false) in
let ctx = { ctx with local_types = m.mtypes @ ctx.local_types } in
let cg = mk_class (pack,name) c.cl_pos None false in
let cg = mk_class (pack,name) c.cl_pos in
let mg = {
mpath = cg.cl_path;
mtypes = [TClassDecl cg];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ let extend_xml_proxy ctx c t file p =
cf_type = t;
cf_public = true;
cf_doc = None;
cf_meta = [];
cf_get = ResolveAccess;
cf_set = NoAccess;
cf_params = [];
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ and token = parse
| "(" { mk lexbuf POpen }
| ")" { mk lexbuf PClose }
| "?" { mk lexbuf Question }
| "@" { mk lexbuf At }
| "/*" {
let pmin = lexeme_start lexbuf in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ let rec reduce_loop ctx is_sub e =
| TCall ({ eexpr = TFunction func } as ef,el) ->
(match follow ef.etype with
| TFun (_,rt) ->
let cf = { cf_name = ""; cf_params = []; cf_type = ef.etype; cf_public = true; cf_doc = None; cf_get = NormalAccess; cf_set = NoAccess; cf_expr = None } in
let cf = { cf_name = ""; cf_params = []; cf_type = ef.etype; cf_public = true; cf_doc = None; cf_meta = []; cf_get = NormalAccess; cf_set = NoAccess; cf_expr = None } in
let inl = (try type_inline ctx cf func (mk (TConst TNull) (mk_mono()) e.epos) el rt e.epos with Error (Custom _,_) -> None) in
(match inl with
| None -> e
Expand Down
34 changes: 25 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,12 +165,13 @@ and parse_type_decl s =
match s with parser
| [< '(Kwd Import,p1); t = parse_type_path_normal; p2 = semicolon >] -> EImport t, punion p1 p2
| [< '(Kwd Using,p1); t = parse_type_path_normal; p2 = semicolon >] -> EUsing t, punion p1 p2
| [< c = parse_common_flags; s >] ->
| [< meta = parse_meta; c = parse_common_flags; s >] ->
match s with parser
| [< n , p1 = parse_enum_flags; doc = get_doc; '(Const (Type name),_); tl = parse_constraint_params; '(BrOpen,_); l = plist parse_enum; '(BrClose,p2) >] ->
(EEnum {
d_name = name;
d_doc = doc;
d_meta = meta;
d_params = tl;
d_flags = snd c @ n;
d_data = l
Expand All @@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ and parse_type_decl s =
(EClass {
d_name = name;
d_doc = doc;
d_meta = meta;
d_params = tl;
d_flags = fst c @ n @ hl;
d_data = fl;
Expand All @@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ and parse_type_decl s =
(ETypedef {
d_name = name;
d_doc = doc;
d_meta = meta;
d_params = tl;
d_flags = snd c;
d_data = t;
Expand All @@ -208,10 +211,10 @@ and parse_class_field_resume s =
(* junk all tokens until we reach next variable/function or next type declaration *)
let rec loop() =
(match fst (Stream.npeek 2 s) with
| Kwd Public :: _ | Kwd Static :: _ | Kwd Var :: _ | Kwd Override :: _ | Kwd Dynamic :: _ ->
| At :: _ | Kwd Public :: _ | Kwd Static :: _ | Kwd Var :: _ | Kwd Override :: _ | Kwd Dynamic :: _ ->
raise Exit
| [] | Eof :: _ | Kwd Import :: _ | Kwd Using :: _ | Kwd Extern :: _ | Kwd Class :: _ | Kwd Interface :: _ | Kwd Enum :: _ | Kwd Typedef :: _ ->
raise Not_found
raise Not_found
| [Kwd Private; Kwd Function]
| [Kwd Private; Kwd Var] ->
raise Exit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,6 +247,18 @@ and parse_common_flags = parser
| [< '(Kwd Extern,_); l = parse_common_flags >] -> (HExtern, EExtern) :: l
| [< >] -> []

and parse_meta = parser
| [< '(At,_); name = meta_name; s >] ->
(match s with parser
| [< '(POpen,_); params = psep Comma expr; '(PClose,_); s >] -> (name,params) :: parse_meta s
| [< >] -> (name,[]) :: parse_meta s)
| [< >] -> []

and meta_name = parser
| [< '(Const (Ident i),_) >] -> i
| [< '(Const (Type t),_) >] -> t
| [< '(Kwd k,_) >] -> s_keyword k

and parse_enum_flags = parser
| [< '(Kwd Enum,p) >] -> [] , p

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,11 +344,12 @@ and parse_type_anonymous_resume name = parser

and parse_enum s =
doc := None;
let meta = parse_meta s in
match s with parser
| [< name = any_ident; doc = get_doc; s >] ->
match s with parser
| [< '(POpen,_); l = psep Comma parse_enum_param; '(PClose,_); p = semicolon; >] -> (name,doc,l,p)
| [< '(Semicolon,p) >] -> (name,doc,[],p)
| [< '(POpen,_); l = psep Comma parse_enum_param; '(PClose,_); p = semicolon; >] -> (name,doc,meta,l,p)
| [< '(Semicolon,p) >] -> (name,doc,meta,[],p)
| [< >] -> serror()

and parse_enum_param = parser
Expand All @@ -343,19 +359,19 @@ and parse_enum_param = parser
and parse_class_field s =
doc := None;
match s with parser
| [< l = parse_cf_rights true []; doc = get_doc; s >] ->
| [< meta = parse_meta; l = parse_cf_rights true []; doc = get_doc; s >] ->
match s with parser
| [< '(Kwd Var,p1); name = any_ident; s >] ->
(match s with parser
| [< '(POpen,_); i1 = property_ident; '(Comma,_); i2 = property_ident; '(PClose,_); '(DblDot,_); t = parse_type_path; p2 = semicolon >] ->
(FProp (name,doc,l,i1,i2,t),punion p1 p2)
(FProp (name,doc,meta,l,i1,i2,t),punion p1 p2)
| [< t = parse_type_opt; s >] ->
let e , p2 = (match s with parser
| [< '(Binop OpAssign,_) when List.mem AStatic l; e = toplevel_expr; p2 = semicolon >] -> Some e , p2
| [< '(Semicolon,p2) >] -> None , p2
| [< >] -> serror()
) in
(FVar (name,doc,l,t,e),punion p1 p2))
(FVar (name,doc,meta,l,t,e),punion p1 p2))
| [< '(Kwd Function,p1); name = parse_fun_name; pl = parse_constraint_params; '(POpen,_); al = psep Comma parse_fun_param; '(PClose,_); t = parse_type_opt; s >] ->
let e = (match s with parser
| [< e = toplevel_expr >] -> e
Expand All @@ -367,7 +383,7 @@ and parse_class_field s =
f_type = t;
f_expr = e;
} in
(FFun (name,doc,l,pl,f),punion p1 (pos e))
(FFun (name,doc,meta,l,pl,f),punion p1 (pos e))
| [< >] ->
if l = [] then raise Stream.Failure else serror()

Expand Down
23 changes: 17 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ and tclass_field = {
mutable cf_type : t;
cf_public : bool;
cf_doc : Ast.documentation;
cf_meta : metadata;
cf_get : field_access;
cf_set : field_access;
cf_params : (string * t) list;
Expand All @@ -123,11 +124,14 @@ and tclass_kind =
| KGeneric
| KGenericInstance of tclass * tparams

and metadata = (string * texpr list) list

and tclass = {
cl_path : path;
cl_pos : Ast.pos;
cl_doc : Ast.documentation;
cl_private : bool;
mutable cl_private : bool;
mutable cl_doc : Ast.documentation;
mutable cl_meta : metadata;
mutable cl_kind : tclass_kind;
mutable cl_extern : bool;
mutable cl_interface : bool;
Expand All @@ -150,13 +154,15 @@ and tenum_field = {
ef_type : t;
ef_pos : Ast.pos;
ef_doc : Ast.documentation;
ef_meta : metadata;
ef_index : int;

and tenum = {
e_path : path;
e_pos : Ast.pos;
e_doc : Ast.documentation;
e_meta : metadata;
e_private : bool;
e_extern : bool;
mutable e_types : (string * t) list;
Expand All @@ -168,6 +174,7 @@ and tdef = {
t_path : path;
t_pos : Ast.pos;
t_doc : Ast.documentation;
t_meta : metadata;
t_private : bool;
mutable t_types : (string * t) list;
mutable t_type : t;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,12 +207,13 @@ let tfun pl r = TFun ( (fun t -> "",false,t) pl,r)

let fun_args l = (fun (a,c,t) -> a, c <> None, t) l

let mk_class path pos doc priv =
let mk_class path pos =
cl_path = path;
cl_pos = pos;
cl_doc = doc;
cl_private = priv;
cl_doc = None;
cl_meta = [];
cl_private = false;
cl_kind = KNormal;
cl_extern = false;
cl_interface = false;
Expand All @@ -223,7 +231,10 @@ let mk_class path pos doc priv =
cl_overrides = [];

let null_class = mk_class ([],"") Ast.null_pos None true
let null_class =
let c = mk_class ([],"") Ast.null_pos in
c.cl_private <- true;

let arg_name (name,_,_) = name

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ let mk_field name t = {
cf_name = name;
cf_type = t;
cf_doc = None;
cf_meta = [];
cf_public = true;
cf_get = NormalAccess;
cf_set = NormalAccess;
Expand Down

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