A copy of the ASDL parser used in CPython 3.5, cleaned a bit and packaged here.
$ pip install asdl
from asdl import ASDLParser, parse
syntax = """
module Lambda {
term =
Lambda(name x, term body) |
Apply(term function, term argument) |
Variable(name x)
Module(Lambda, [Type(term, Sum([Constructor(Lambda, [Field(name, x), Field(term, body)]), Constructor(Apply, [Field(term, function), Field(term, argument)]), Constructor(Variable, [Field(name, x)])]))])
Module(Python, [Type(mod, Sum([Constructor(Module, [Field(stmt, body, seq=True)]), Constructor(Interactive, [Field(stmt, body, seq=True)]), Constructor(Expression, [Field(expr, body)]), Constructor(Suite, [Field(stmt, body, seq=True)])])), Type(stmt, Sum([Constructor(FunctionDef, [Field(identifier, name), Field(arguments, args), Field(stmt, body, seq=True), Field(expr, decorator_list, seq=True), Field(expr, returns, opt=True)]), ...
Same as CPython: Python Software Foundation License (LICENSE file included here).