Milestone planning by version
- v0.15 milestone planning: 0.15.0 #616 (released)
- v0.16 milestone planning: 0.16.0 #693 (released)
- v0.17 milestone planning: 0.17.0 #773 (released)
- v0.18 milestone-planning: 0.18.0 #797 (released)
- v0.19 milestone-planning: 0.19.0 #835 (released)
- v0.20 milestone-planning: 0.20.0 #920 (released)
- v0.21 ?
Features not yet assigned to a milestone
Unified cli-ops & script parser #614 Unified parser or simplify setupNo longer persued - rework parser to be generic instead of requiring img ops to be defined in the parser
- rework parser to accept more complicated syntax like scopes/environment blocks for just image script but not cli args, which are desugared to core operations and let image operations engine work on a desugared variant
- replace interpreter style with vm
- add gpu mode which specializes some
-crate ops (enable optionally with flag) - Accept (JSON) events as input commands
- Add unit parsing for operation arguments #600 support for units such as
with a default unit type
image operations
- image operation: add tiling #547 operation: tiling
- image operation: add dither #548 operation: dither
- image operation:
draw-grid width height
#795 operation: draw-grid - enhance vertical and horizontal gradient with multiple stops
- support drawing
- add layers
- add merge layers
- add operations inspired from similar programs, both cli and graphical
- Add Porter-Duff image composition #839 Porter-Duff
- Add stdout inform output #663 Add informational operations
- #todo make output more informational
- #todo enhance message when running just
, currently:Error: Unable select input/output mode: mode should either be simple xor glob
; maybe require-
argument when expecting input from stdin?, or expect stdin input to not be empty
- #todo Start with a first version of a GUI (pixels + egui?)
- #todo
--create-animated-image <path...>
: if path is folder, make-animated from images in order from folder; if path is file and other paths are files make-animated with given file order; if path is folder and has other paths, reject; if given glob decide what to do