environiment: yaml.WGCNA / yaml.rates
aim: gain evolutionary insight on the genes associated to crema-vicia interactions, using phylogenetic and molecular evolution approaches.
To charachterize the p450 genes which present transcriptional differences in the ant following plant association, we initially gathered them relying on eggNOG-mapper and transdecoder annotations:
grep p450 enrichment/eggNOG_crema/crema_eggNOG-mapper_annotations.tsv | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d ">" > comparative_genomics/crema_p450/p450_eggNOG-mapper.lst
grep p450 annotations/crema/crema.Trinity.fasta.transdecoder.pep | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d ">" > comparative_genomics/crema_p450/p450_transdecoder.lst
for i in $(cat comparative_genomics/crema_p450/p450_eggNOG-mapper.lst comparative_genomics/crema_p450/p450_transdecoder.lst | sort -u);
sed -n -e "/$i/,/TRINITY/ p" annotations/crema/crema.Trinity.fasta.transdecoder.pep | head -n -1 | awk '{print $1}';
done > comparative_genomics/crema_p450/Crematogaster_scutellaris_p450.fa
Then all p450 protein sequences relative to the species Apis mellifera and Themnotorax curvispinusus were collected:
After merging them with crema p450s, the alignement has been carried out using mafft-gisni:
ginsi p450.fa > p450.aln
The alignment was then cleaned using timal:
trimal -in p450.aln -out p450_trim1.aln -gt 0.9 -cons 20
trimal -in p450_trim1.aln -out p450_trim2.aln -resoverlap 0.6 -seqoverlap 60
The filogenetic inference was perfromed using iqtree2:
iqtree2 -s p450_trim2.aln -B 1000 -T AUTO -m MFP -pers 0.2 -nstop 1000 -allnni -redo
The tree has to be slightly reformatted (removing the isoform notation) to be fed to following steps:
sed -i "s/_i[0-9]\.p[0-9]//g" comparative_genomics/crema_p450/p450_trim2.aln.treefile
Crema p450 expression file has been generate with the following code:
sh scripts/extract_exp_val_crema_treatm_contrast.sh
> comparative_genomics/crema_p450/p450_Crematogaster_scutellaris_exppression.tsv
Then R was used:
Rscript scripts/plot_crema_phy+exp.Rscript
0.01 0 comparative_genomics/crema_p450/p450.pdf
The arguments of this script are:
- a nwk tree file
- a tsv file for tip annotation (columns are: tip name, gene name, species)
- an expression table for crema genes
- a p treshold for the differential expression to be plotted
- a logFC treshold for the differential expression to be plotted
- the name of the output figure
And here is the result:
NB: we flipped the contrast so that genes which are upregolated in the "treatments" have positive logFC.
As we can see, p450s expression profile are charachterized by a large number of changes, but with modest intensity.
Here is an overview of the strata considered; in the figures anything above Eudicots and Hymenoptera has been considered as "old". Of course the limitation (both technical and conceptual) of phylostratigrapy are many, but they will not be discussed here. Just a disclaimer: while the strata are the same number for crema and vicia, they can not obviously be compared.
sp / Myrmicinae / Formicoidea / Hymenoptera / Holometabola / Neoptera / Paleoptera
sp / Papilionoideae / Fabales / Rosids / Eudicots / Angiosperms / Spermatophyte
stratum 1 | stratum 2 | stratum 3 | stratum 4 | stratum 5 | stratum 6 | stratum 7 |
sp | Myrmicinae | Formicoidea | Hymenoptera | Holometabola | Neoptera | Paleoptera |
stratum 1 | stratum 2 | stratum 3 | stratum 4 | stratum 5 | stratum 6 | stratum 7 |
sp | Papilionoideae | Fabales | Rosids | Eudicots | Angiosperms | Spermatophyte |
For Crema we start by downloading a rapresentative set of insects cds.
for i in $(cat cds_insect.lst | awk -F "\t" '{print $4"%"$5}');
wgt=$(echo $i | awk -F "%" '{print $1}');
cds=$(echo $i | awk -F "%" '{print $2}');
wget -O comparative_genomics/crema/$cds.fa.gz $wgt;
Then after gunzip *
we can reformat everything using:
for i in G*; do awk '{print $1}' $i | sed "s/lcl|/${i::-5}-/g" > ${i::-5}.ref.fa; done
We then need to reformat crema cds:
awk '/^>/ {printf("\n%s\n",$0);next; } { printf("%s",$0);} END {printf("\n");}' crema.Trinity.fasta.transdecoder.cds | awk '{print $1}' | sed "s/>/>crema-/g" > crema.fa
And we also need to remove the contaminants we previously found:
grep -v -A 1 -f ../../contaminants/crema/crema.blastp.contaminants_genes.lst crema.fa > crema.ref.fa
After rm crema.Trinity.fasta.transdecoder.cds crema.fa
we can translate everything into amminoacids using:
for i in *fa; do transeq -sequence $i -outseq ${i::-7}.aa.ref.fa; done
Then, after having sorted amminoacids and nucleotides in different folders,
we can launch the orthology inference using orthofinder -f aa
When the orthology inference is over phylostratigraphy tables can be obtained using:
sh scripts/phylostratigraphy_crema.sh AD > comparative_genomics/phylostratigraphy_crema_AD.tsv
for AD
sh scripts/phylostratigraphy_crema.sh CT > comparative_genomics/phylostratigraphy_crema_CT.tsv
for CT
Tables can be plotted with an Rscript, using as arguments:
- the phylostratigraphy file
- the modules to be plotted (in addition to the total)
- the output plot name
Rscript scripts/plot_phylostratigraphy_crema.Rscript
Rscript scripts/plot_phylostratigraphy_crema.Rscript
Then we can find the single copy genes in crema for dnds analyses. We are going to restrict our analyses to this subset, due to the difficulties in analyzing multi-copy genes: for these it is not straightforward if one should consider the speciation branch leading to the multicopy genes or the terminal branches only. As we are interested in the bigger picture, I think that - if the genes underlying the ant-plant interaction evolve at a faster rate than the average - we would be able to see such a signal anyway. Here are all orthogroups in which crema has a single-copy gene.
while read line;
copy=$(echo $line | grep -o "crema" | wc -w);
if [[ $copy == 1 ]];
then total=$(echo $line | wc -w);
if [[ $total -gt 5 ]];
then echo $line | awk -F ":" '{print $1}';
done < crema/Orthogroups.txt > crema/SingleCopyOrthogroups.txt
This resulted in 5789 genes: of those XXX are in coexpression modules associated to the interaction.
Prior to dnds inference, we need to retrotranslate the orthogroups from amminoacids to nucleotides, then to align them.
Similarly, for Vicia we start by downloading a rapresentative set of plants cds.
for i in $(cat cds_plants.lst | awk -F "\t" '{print $4"%"$5}');
wgt=$(echo $i | awk -F "%" '{print $1}');
cds=$(echo $i | awk -F "%" '{print $2}');
wget -O comparative_genomics/vicia/$cds.fa.gz $wgt;
Then after gunzip *
we can reformat everything using:
for i in G*; do awk '{print $1}' $i | sed "s/lcl|/${i::-5}-/g" > ${i::-5}.ref.fa; done
We then need to reformat vicia cds:
awk '/^>/ {printf("\n%s\n",$0);next; } { printf("%s",$0);} END {printf("\n");}' vicia.Trinity.fasta.transdecoder.cds | awk '{print $1}' | sed "s/>/>vicia-/g" > vicia.fa
And we also need to remove the contaminants we previously found:
grep -v -A 1 -f ../../contaminants/vicia/vicia.blastp.contaminants_genes.lst vicia.fa > vicia.ref.fa
After rm crema.Trinity.fasta.transdecoder.cds crema.fa
we can launch the orthology inference using orthofinder -f -d
When the orthology inference is over phylostratigraphy tables can be obtained using:
sh scripts/phylostratigraphy_vicia.sh > comparative_genomics/phylostratigraphy_vicia.tsv
Then the tables can be plotted in R.
Rscript scripts/plot_phylostratigraphy_vicia.Rscript