I have been exploring Julia for some time now, and I believe with Pluto, it could replace some of our design tools. I am a bridge engineer, and we mainly use excel for most of our handcalcs (which we do a lot of). But with Pluto we could still get reactivity and on top of it we can get more readable calculations with the Handcalcs package I developed, version control, testing, and better reporting.
Current Issue
Currently to get great looking calculations, I need to use a jupyter notebook or a qmd file. Here is one example. I can get a pluto notebook version (can find it in the directory of the above link (will have to dev StructuralUnits package from my repo to view it though)) which I prefer, but there is just no great way to render it to pdf.
There are a number of pieces I am trying to fill, but the main one I would like to start working on is a link between pluto and quarto (weave is fine too but looks to be dormant). I see that with PlutoDependencyExplorer and the new julia engine coming to quarto, there may be a way forward with this. I can definitely give time to help with this, if not try to develop this, but I am looking for a place to start from or if this is already being developed?
Honestly if I get this one piece with Pluto, and now knowing today that there is a PlutoDesktop (still need to test that out), I think that will be enough for me to get more people at my company and maybe more engineers in general to start considering it. I think the future is bright!
Thanks, Cole