Simple utilities for harvesting data + reading and writing files.
Import just what you need...
from melon import read_json, list_to_csv
... or import melon as farmer if that's how you roll.
import melon as farmer
Get some json and write to a file.
url = ''
d1 = farmer.get_json(url)
farmer.write_json(d1, 'data/test1.json')
Write json to file and then read it back.
farmer.write_json({'foo' : 'bar'}, 'data/test2.json')
d2 = farmer.read_json('data/test2.json')
Parse a one-line csv-like string
s = 'value1,"oh look, an embedded comma",value3'
Write a list of dictionaries to a CSV file. (Assumes all dicts have identical keys.)
report = [
Write a list of lists to a CSV file.
report = [
['col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c'],
[1, 'melon', 'yes'],
[9, 'apple', 'no'],
[4, 'melon', 'maybe']
Load CSV as a list of dictionaries.
rows = farmer.read_csv('data/test2.csv')
Get a list of all .json files in a directory called 'data'.
json_files = farmer.get_filenames('data', suffix='.json')
Check to see whether specific files exist.
json_files = farmer.get_filenames('data', suffix='.json')
for f_name in json_files:
if farmer.file_exists(f_name):
print("{} exists.".format(f_name))
print("{} does not exist.".format(f_name))