zeromq supports GSSAPI/KRB5 as noted with references in RFC 12.
Curve is the only security mechanism currently enabled in Flux. We should enable kerberos as an option for securing Flux overlay networks.
Also worth noting: CEA has deployed auks (see also slides by @hautreux) which is a scheme for caching TGT's on behalf of users submitting batch jobs, and using them at time of execution to obtain session tickets. The scheme is scalable, avoiding the problem of many endpoints simultaneously banging on a single or small number of KDC's
Flux currently loads long-term Curve keys out of the user's home directory which is expected to be shared across the instance. This presumes that network file systems serving home directories are secure from eavesdropping, which in some environments may be challenging. In the Kerberos case, I think auks may be able to scalably and securely distribute keys to flux brokers and avoid this problem. I think auks could also make Kerberos-secured NFSv4 easier to deploy, which would then be a safe place to store Curve keys. Go auks.
Anyway first step is adding kerberos options to libflux/security.c and the flux-broker.