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Tags: fluid-framework/Fluid



Toggle 0.20.2's commit message
🎐 v0.20.2

Added :

➕ Add fillout button
➕ Animate the movement of `menu-trigger`'s caret
➕ Unstyle `.menu-item`
➕ Add font-sizing function make control font where mixin cant be used
➕ Add `reverse-responsive` key in `generate-stlye` to reverse responsive media query
➕ Add heading classes for font sizing similar to h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
➕ Add `is-unstyle` .button and .input classes
➕ Add `` class to add negative margins on grid column
➕ Add responsive position Classes
➕ Add auto Utility for `z-index`
➕ Add more z-index utilities to have fine grain control over z-index
➕ Add two different variables to independently control how the breakpoints are prefixed
➕ 🔖 Add variable `$enable-experimental-css` to disable experimental css features
➕ 🔖 Add `$menu-item-border-direction` and `$menu-item-themes-generate`
➕ 🔖 Add font-family to control button font
➕ ⚠️ Add Exporimental `.scrollbar` to add custom designer scrollbar
➕ ⚠️ Add is-loading for containers

Update :

🆙 convert grid offset to utility offset
🏇 simplify `` style
🆙 %controls placeholder no longer overide `color` property this allows controls like `` `` to inherit color from their parent resulting in more flexible layout designing
🆙 add background color in scrollbar to make its scrollbar area visible
🆙 Use `$light` background color for group `.addon`
🆙 Use white background for `body` and `lyt-main`
🆙 Use `$fontweight-bold` for headings
🆙 Disabled Color
🆙 Tweak dark Color in theme
🆙 Better approach for ``
🆙 Increase hr line opacity
🆙 use txt-(left|right) utility to align text in divider
🔨 `.divider` ::before and ::after height should be `100%`

Removed :

🔥 remove never used function `str-capitalize`
🔥 remove testing code
🔥 Remove heading color

Fixes :

🔨 remove unknown constant from expression
🔨 do not override `menu-trigger` display property
🔨 🆙 `selector-max-class` value from 4 to 5
🔨 Align breadcrumb items in center
🔨 shrink .column to only available space when no width is defined
🔨 Fix inconsistant naming convention
🔨 Fix .input focus color not differentiating
🔨 fix `` to ``
🔨 Fix uneven round spinner in loading animation

Design :
💅 darken `gray-100`
💅 use lighter color for `pre > code`
💅 Use transparency on `.menu-items` for better UI attachment

Dev :
✏️ Rename `$breakpoints-readable-else-short` to `\$breakpoints-short-or-readable` with default value `short`
✏️ Rename `$design-rounded-else-sharp` to `$design-rounded-or-sharp` with default value `rounded`
✏️ Rename `$design-shadow-else-border to`\$design-shadow-or-border`with default value`shadow`✏️ Rename`\$design-solid-else-gradients`to`\$design-solid-or-gradients`with default value to`solid`✏️ Rename`\$enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query`to`\$enable-prefers-reduced-motion-mediaQuery`✏️ Rename`\$design-rounded-else-box`to`\$design-rounded-else-sharp`


Toggle v0.20.0's commit message
🎐 v0.20.0

Breaking Changes:

💥 Change Spacing Classes


➕ New Vertical Divider using utility `is-y`
➕ Add `.file` control validation
➕ Add color transition in `` bottom border this will allow bottom border to slowly transit even when clr utility is used over .btn
➕ reset vertical align from svg inside `.icon`


🆙 `.divider` component no longer override `color` and `line-height`
🆙 shorten screen-reader object to `sr`
🆙 Use on for `events` e.g `on-hover` for css modifier in dropdown
🆙 use `li` element instead of `.list-item` class


🔥 New divider already have its spacing so no need to override in menu


💅 Update Divider design
💅 darken `light` theme color


🔨 Use inline-flex instead of flex in `menu-trigger` and `dropdown-trigger` to avoid glitching with other elements
🔨 remove un-necessary `.dropdown-items` selector
🔨 Use `!optional` in group placeholder because mixin doesn't exist when `$design-rounded-else-box` is set to false
🔨 Fix Overlay z-index


Toggle v0.19.0's commit message
🎐 v0.19.0

Breaking changes:
🆙 💥 Use class `.Label` instead of label element to style controls like radio, switch, file and input floating labels for better web standards and web accessibility

🔥 Remove padding from `lyt-sidebar` to let user have control over it properly
🔥 remove custom padding from `.menu`
🔥 Remove unnecessary `` theme variant style

🔨 Fix `` not working
🔨 `.menu-items` not inheriting `font-size`
🔨 not inheriting color in `.menu` when using color utilities
🔨 Add padding in nested menu items to prevent text from going into overflow area

➕ 🚀 Add NEW dropdown menu component
➕ Add `border-hide` utility to hide border using transparent color
➕ Add `border-(direction)-none` utilities to remove border from specific direction
➕ Change header and sidebar color based on `$design-theme`
➕ Add active state of ``

🆙 Set `text-align:start` on root to support RTL languages
🆙 🔀 Rearrange Theme colors to change there cascading priority
🆙 include all src and dist files in NPM package
🆙 Align icon in center when parent has display:flex
🆙 Flexible header height and flex wrap
🆙 Update From bootstrap reboot (twbs/bootstrap#29455)
🆙 override styles instead of increasing specificity, to make style overridable
🆙 `lyt-sidebar` are static by default, they can be made fixed using using `fixed` utility class.
🆙 Lighten .menu-item Background color
🆙 inherit `text-align` value in menu-item rather than explicit overriding
🆙 Use `display:block` on menu-items instead of flex to support `text-align` utility
🆙 Apply animation on menu items only if they were with `.menu-trigger`
🆙 Apply nested menu styles on direct child this will allow menu style to stop conflicting inside other components and universal selector `*` to be limited to direct children
🆙 Decrease nested menu animation duration
🆙 Increase before border-color transition duration in `.menu-item` to shorten and decrease chances of user specifies value more than transition duration
🆙 use scale to flip caret in menu instead of rotate

💅 Don't override text `color` in `menu-item`

➕ :octocat: Add `fill-direction` parameter for @mixin animation
🔖 :octocat: Add variables `$menu-trigger-caret-color` and `$menu-divider-padding`
🔖 :octocat: Add variables for nested Menu animation duration `$$nestedMenu-animationduration`
🔖 :octocat: rename variable `$nestedMenu-marginleft` to `$nestedMenu-indent`
🔖 :octocat: rename `$button-transition-minimal` to `$button-transition-minimal-before` to be more specific in naming convention
🔖 🔨 :octocat: Fix variable name from bg to background
🔖 🔀 :octocat: Arrange and reorder setting variables in menu
➕ ✅ Test for invalid @function `clr-step` values
🆙 :octocat: Make Triangle shape size equal to the size specified preventing extra style to used to align middle
📦 :octocat: Update package `find-unused-sass-variables`


Toggle v0.18.0's commit message
🎐 v0.18.0

Breaking Changes:
💥 grid column classes now use standard width utilities to control their sizing
💥 Serve `.addon` as a standalone to be used as just as "controls like" wrapper
💥 Use `has` for grid gap utility
💥 Use `border` in border utilities instead of `brdr`
💥 Use `is` for visibility styles

➕ Add responsive width sizing classes
➕ Add Responsive flex-direction Utility
➕ :octocat: Variable `$main-background`
➕ :octocat: Add Variable `$disabled` to globally control disabled color
➕ :octocat: Add Variable `$pre-code-borderleft`
➕ 🚀 :octocat: Add Support for constant property value in \$properties for `generate-style`
➕ Support `multiple` and `size` attribute on `.select`

💧 Drop Styling anchor addon in favor of btn and other styling classes

🔥 Remove Unnecessary `opacity: inherit`
🔥 Remove Unnecessary `!important` from disabled controls like radio, switch and checkbox
🔥 Remove Unnecessary placeholder `%controls-disabled` from label
🔥 remove Unnecessary placeholder `%controls-hover` in `.input`
🔥 Remove Unnecessary Temporary variable
🔥 Remove Unnecessary need for `%clearfix` placeholder
🔥 Remove Unnecessary transition in ``
🔥 Remove bugs placeholder as they doesn't offer much improvement

🔨 Fix .`menu` default color theme
🔨 Fix `` padding inside group
🔨 Fix width issue when controls like radio and checkbox placed inside group addon
🔨 Fix rounded corner of `` in group > control
🔨 :octocat: Fix various variable naming inconsistency
🔨 :octocat: Fix missing content inside source maps
🔨 Remove blue background from `.select:focus` in IE

🆙 do not override input background in `has-floating-label`
🆙 Use Placeholders in `.group` to combine selectors
🆙 change `radio` and `switch` visual appearance only when value changes
🆙 Change `.column` to use `width` instead of `max-width`
🆙 Override label margin-bottom for `.file`
🆙 💅 Tweak Input icon position
🆙 :octocat: Use quoted string value for selector in utilities
🆙 Use %placeholders to combine various single property styles
🆙 Use important for `.float` display property …


💅 Slightly tweak checkbox checked arrow position


Toggle v0.17.0's commit message
🎐 v0.17.0


🆙 Update Animation name from `pulse` and `pulse solid` to `ripple` and `ripple-gray` respectively
🆙 Improve `.Switch` Control
🆙 Use correct variable for `padding-left` in `%controls-label`
🆙 Remove `margin-bottom` from `label` when used with .control
🆙 Use Display Flex to center align range thumb on its track
🆙 add margin-left to divider only if it has some content
🆙 Align `.divider` using Flex properties
🆙 👨‍💻 Use convert-unit for calculation in ``
🆙 👨‍💻 Use internal @function font size

Removed 🔥:

🔥 Remove margin from %controls
🔥 Remove RFS fluid font implementation

Design 💅:

🆙 Update `.switch` control design

Added ➕:

➕ Add Menu Component
➕ Add default font size variable to Options
➕ Add fallback property `work-wrap` in `code` and `.text-break` for IE
➕ 👨‍💻 Add Variable `$border-radius-circle`


🔨 Fix `` shape In React
🔨 `.divider` line opacity
🔨 Fix height
🔨 work around to fix source maps content not showing in debugger
🔨 ↪️ Revert hr element to bootstrap (inconsistent size still exist)

Dev 👨‍💻:

↔️ Split Color variants onto separate block
↔️ Split class level `cursor:pointer` style from elements


Toggle v0.16.1's commit message
🎐 v0.16.1


➕ Divider Object
➕ Support for file inputs
➕ align .input content in center when used on other than input tag
➕ Grid column spacing/gap classes to modify spacing/gap between column on fly


🆙 Do not override property value from animations
🆙 do not add border-radius to .is-min styles controls
🆙 btn min redesign
🆙 support disabled state on every anchor tag
🆙 reset before transform on loading elements so that loading animation is not effected by it
🆙 align feedback triangle shape by top rather than bottom
🆙 align label::before in middle
🆙 Center align content in .addon
🆙 Apply states to addon only if its a anchor tag
🆙 decrease icon size to 1em so that layout is not affected when placed inside component e.g button
🆙 Add cursor pointer for select tag
🆙 improve .switch style and visual appearance accessibility
🆙 apply `cursor: pointer` to .control only if its a label tag this prevents misleading user to interactable area of the control without wrapped in label
🆙 tweak icon `caret-down` path
🆙 Use data attribute instead of custom fluid attribute
🆙 tweak checkbox-checked-arrow-top position
🆙 make %controls-label ::after and ::before align to label position
🆙 Set IE clear field button color so that it is not affected by .input color
🆙 Add padding only when label is not empty


🔨 missing opacity 0 utility class
🔨 .input hover state box-shadow transition
🔨 hover boxshadow not showing on .has-floating-label
🔨 Fix inconsistent hr size when used with size attribute


🔥 height: 100% from %controls-labels (#e9e4cb6)
💧 `.input.unstyle` class
💧 🔥 remove 30% spacing classes

dev Changes :

➕ @function convert-unit to handle units conversion
➕ `$enable-debugging` Variable to suppress @debug and @warn messages
➕ Shadows Variables to control shadows globally
➕ ✅ when keyframe name exist but not its keyframes value🔀 move nuke margin style from sanitize to elements
➕ Add caret-down icon source file
🆙 avoid overiding extra css properties in triangle shape
🆙 separate has-floating-label styles to have an effect in IE 11
🆙 avoid adding extra box-shadow override in
🆙 ✅ show name of the keyframe whose value is not found
🆙 Use Correct .group margin dependent variable
🔀 move .control base styles at top
🔀 move feedback style out of .control context
🔀 move style to their relative context
↪️ rename variable $icon-size to $icon-area
↪️ rename icon variables `caret` to `caret-down`
↔️ Split %controls placeholder into fragments to remove unnecessary styles


Toggle v0.16.0's commit message
🎐 v0.16.0

➕ styles for <select> using class .input

🔨 IE form validation icons by change outer quote marks to `"`
🔨 Fix range styling for touch devices
- Touch webkit devices does not trigger focus state that's why use active state and focus state for styling

↪️rename fluid-sanitize-lease to fluid-bugs
- to easier understand the purpose of file
🆙 encode < > # in svg background-image icons for compatibility
🆙 Apply readonly state styles only on <input> and <textarea>
- to prevent triggering disabled styles on <select> in webkit browsers

🔥 Unnecessary .input form validation specifiers
🔥 padding to expand range component to full width
🔥 readonly attribute specifiers
🔥 readonly .input box-shadow:none
- to have universal similar looks like disabled styles

➕ add `-moz-appearance` property to test correctly on Browser stack
🆙 @function str-replace can search and replace using Maps
🔀 place %input-state with controls placeholder as %controls-validation-icon
🔀 Use select caret styles onto element directly
🔀 import icons at last to inherit %controls variables
🔀 rearrange .input styles
↪️ Rename icon variables to there respective shape


Toggle v0.15.0's commit message
🎐 v0.15.0

➕ range component (#45)
➕ New switch input by using .switch class on checkbox type inputs
➕ Checkbox form validation
➕ add padding right for inline controls to add extra spacing in inline inputs

➕🔨 Sanitize: Inherit correct box sizing in IE and EDGE Range input
➕🔨 Sanitize: Remove the dropdown arrow in Chrome from inputs built with datalists
🔨 disabled opacity on %controls-label in IE
🔨 resizing %controls-label (checkbox,switch,radio) not work in IE
🔨 fix pulse animation in %controls-label (radio, checkbox, switch)
🔨 tweak switch circle size

🆙 Use Cascading for active styles instead of !important in %controls (button, input, group-addon, range)
🆙 em units in checkbox and radio

🔥 remove unique disabled style from checkbox


Toggle Fluid's commit message
🎐 v0.15.0

➕ range component (#45)
➕ New switch input by using .switch class on checkbox type inputs
➕ Checkbox form validation
➕ add padding right for inline controls to add extra spacing in inline inputs

➕🔨 Sanitize: Inherit correct box sizing in IE and EDGE Range input
➕🔨 Sanitize: Remove the dropdown arrow in Chrome from inputs built with datalists
🔨 disabled opacity on %controls-label in IE
🔨 resizing %controls-label (checkbox,switch,radio) not work in IE
🔨 fix pulse animation in %controls-label (radio, checkbox, switch)
🔨 tweak switch circle size

🆙 Use Cascading for active styles instead of !important in %controls (button, input, group-addon, range)
🆙 em units in checkbox and radio

🔥 remove unique disabled style from checkbox