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Audio doesn't work on iPhone without extra code to activate AVAudioSession #431



A slightly odd one; audio works fine on all platforms I have tried, which are macOS, tvOS, iOS, Windows and Android...with the exception of my iPhone X.

On this device, it's necessary to have the following lines before starting the audio:

/* activate audio session */
AVAudioSession* audio_session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[audio_session setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback withOptions:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker error:nil];
[audio_session setActive:true error:nil];

...and then presumably these lines to deactivate it afterwards:

/* deactivate audio session */
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setActive:false error:nil];

It's only the iPhone that needs this. An iPad running the same version of iOS (14.2) outputs audio without the above lines.

I tried adding these lines to sokol_audio.h but I started running into problems as these are objective C calls, so maybe it's ok as it is, and the responsibility of the application to deal with this? Seems slightly off-beat that one platform needs this extra initialisation in order to work though.....



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