This are all the project I've done during the Piscine in 42Rome.
- ex00: Z
- ex01: testShell00
- ex02: exo02
- ex04: midLS
- ex05: GiT commit
- ex06: gitignore
- ex07: diff
- ex08: clean
- ex09: 42 file
- ex00: ft_putchar.c
- ex01: ft_print_alphabet.c
- ex02: ft_print_reverse_alphabet.c
- ex03: ft_print_numbers.c
- ex04: ft_is_negative.c
- ex05: ft_print_comb.c
- ex06: ft_print_comb2.c
- ex07: ft_putnbr.c
- ex08: ft_print_combn.c
- ex00: ft_ft.c
- ex01: ft_ultimate_ft.c
- ex02: ft_swap.c
- ex03: ft_div_mod.c
- ex04: ft_ultimate_div_mod.c
- ex05: ft_putstr.c
- ex06: ft_strlen.c
- ex07: ft_rev_int_tab.c
- ex08: ft_sort_int_tab.c
- ex00: ft_strcpy.c
- ex01: ft_strncpy.c
- ex02: ft_str_is_alpha.c
- ex03: ft_str_is_numeric.c
- ex04: ft_str_is_lowercase.c
- ex05: ft_str_is_uppercase.c
- ex06: ft_str_is_printable.c
- ex07: ft_strupcase.c
- ex08: ft_strlowcase.c
- ex09: ft_strcapitalize.c
- ex10: ft_strlcpy.c
- ex00: ft_strcmp.c
- ex01: ft_strncmp.c
- ex02: ft_strcat.c
- ex03: ft_strncat.c
- ex04: ft_strstr.c
- ex05: ft_strlcat.c
- ex00: ft_strlen.c
- ex01: ft_putstr.c
- ex02: ft_putnbr.c
- ex03: ft_atoi.c
- ex04: ft_putnbr_base.c
- ex05: ft_atoi_base.c
- ex00: ft_iterative_factorial.c
- ex01: ft_recursive_factorial.c
- ex02: ft_iterative_power.c
- ex03: ft_recursive_power.c
- ex04: ft_fibonacci.c
- ex05: ft_sqrt.c
- ex06: ft_is_prime.c
- ex07: ft_find_next_prime.c
- ex00: ft_strdup.c
- ex01: ft_range.c
- ex02: ft_ultimate_range.c
- ex03: ft_strjoin.c
- ex04: ft_convert_base.c
- ex05: ft_split.c