Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered is an open-source project that aims to provide a revamped version of the beloved visual novel Katawa Shoujo. It has been developed with a strong emphasis on accessibility and user-friendly experience.
The game currently supports the following languages:
- English
- Russian
- French
- Spanish
- Deutsch
The project offers several notable features:
- Complete refactor of Katawa Shoujo using Ren'Py 8.
- Introduction of multiple new accessibility options, including self-voicing and specialized fonts.
- Implementation of clean and unambiguous code, catering to fan translators.
- Modding framework for mod developers.
This project is not affiliated with Four Leaf Studios. The code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, while the assets are under by their original CC-BY-NC-ND license.
We value your feedback and are available to address any questions you may have. You can reach us through the following channels: