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Bforartists splash Image made by Eraser45-Studios, winner of the Bforartists 4.2 Splash Contest, check out their Twitter

This is the repo for the Flatpak version of Bforartists, based on

Building Instructions

  1. Install flatpak and flatpak-builder from your distro's repo
  2. Install the SDK flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Platform//23.08 org.freedesktop.Sdk//23.08
  3. Clone the repo (with --recurse-submodules for the shared Flatpak modules)
  4. Create a new folder called build-dir
  5. To build for testing, execute flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean build-dir de.bforartists.Bforartists.yaml. This will build and install Bforartists.

Note that this will compile x264 from source

Upgrading to the Newest Version

Open org.bforartists.Bforartists.yaml and scroll down to this section:

  - type: archive
    sha256: a179a87cd295c7d1df4aad0aab4c4a2b14665aa21fd2e822b3583bfba6ed5b6a
    strip-components: 0

Replace the url variable with the url of the latest archive (much be from GitHub releases) and sha256 with the result of sha256sum <Bforartists tar archive>. In addition, it's important to check the upstream Blender flatpak repo to see if anything in the manifest has changed.