MariaDB 10.2.7+ nullable date/time (Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time') #1211
Bug report
- Version of Flarum: 0.1.0-beta.7
- The webserver you are running: apache + nginx
- PHP version: 7.1.7
- MySQL version: MariaDB 10.2.7
Getting this error when trying to install:
Something went wrong: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time' (SQL: ALTER TABLE main_users CHANGE notification_read_time notifications_read_time DATETIME DEFAULT 'NULL')
UPDATE: Adding composer show
components/font-awesome 4.7.0 The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.
danielstjules/stringy 1.10.0 A string manipulation library with multibyte support
dflydev/fig-cookies v1.0.2 Cookies for PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface.
doctrine/annotations v1.5.0 Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache v1.7.0 Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/collections v1.5.0 Collections Abstraction library
doctrine/common v2.8.0 Common Library for Doctrine projects
doctrine/dbal v2.6.0 Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/inflector v1.2.0 Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
doctrine/lexer v1.0.1 Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
filp/whoops 2.1.9 php error handling for cool kids
flarum/core v0.1.0-beta.7 Delightfully simple forum software.
flarum/flarum-ext-akismet v0.1.0-beta.6 Stop spam using the Akismet anti-spam service.
flarum/flarum-ext-approval v0.1.0-beta.7 Make discussions and posts require moderator approval.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-facebook v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Facebook.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-github v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with GitHub.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-twitter v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Twitter.
flarum/flarum-ext-bbcode v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with BBCode.
flarum/flarum-ext-emoji v0.1.0-beta.6 Convert text and unicode emoji into Twemoji.
flarum/flarum-ext-english v0.1.0-beta.7 English language pack.
flarum/flarum-ext-flags v0.1.0-beta.7 Allow users to flag posts for moderator review.
flarum/flarum-ext-likes v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to like posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-lock v0.1.0-beta.7 End a discussion and don't let anyone add further replies.
flarum/flarum-ext-markdown v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with Markdown.
flarum/flarum-ext-mentions v0.1.0-beta.7 Mention and reply to specific posts and users.
flarum/flarum-ext-pusher v0.1.0-beta.6 See new discussions and posts in real-time using Pusher.
flarum/flarum-ext-sticky v0.1.0-beta.7 Pin discussions to the top of the list.
flarum/flarum-ext-subscriptions v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to follow discussions and receive notifications for new posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-suspend v0.1.0-beta.7 Suspend users so they can't post.
flarum/flarum-ext-tags v0.1.0-beta.8 Organize discussions into a hierarchy of tags and categories.
franzl/studio 0.11.2 Develop your Composer libraries with style
franzl/whoops-middleware 0.4.1
guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.3.0 Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
guzzlehttp/promises v1.3.1 Guzzle promises library
guzzlehttp/psr7 1.4.2 PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
http-interop/http-middleware 0.2.0 Common interface for HTTP middleware
illuminate/bus v5.1.41 The Illuminate Bus package.
illuminate/cache v5.1.41 The Illuminate Cache package.
illuminate/config v5.1.41 The Illuminate Config package.
illuminate/container v5.1.41 The Illuminate Container package.
illuminate/contracts v5.1.41 The Illuminate Contracts package.
illuminate/database v5.1.41 The Illuminate Database package.
illuminate/events v5.1.41 The Illuminate Events package.
illuminate/filesystem v5.1.41 The Illuminate Filesystem package.
illuminate/hashing v5.1.41 The Illuminate Hashing package.
illuminate/mail v5.1.41 The Illuminate Mail package.
illuminate/pipeline v5.1.41 The Illuminate Pipeline package.
illuminate/support v5.1.41 The Illuminate Support package.
illuminate/validation v5.1.41 The Illuminate Validation package.
illuminate/view v5.1.41 The Illuminate View package.
intervention/image 2.4.0 Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel integration
ircmaxell/random-lib v1.2.0 A Library For Generating Secure Random Numbers
ircmaxell/security-lib v1.1.0 A Base Security Library
league/flysystem 1.0.40 Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API.
league/oauth1-client 1.7.0 OAuth 1.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-client 1.4.2 OAuth 2.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-facebook 1.4.5 Facebook OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
league/oauth2-github 0.2.2 Github OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
matthiasmullie/minify 1.3.46 CSS & JS minifier
matthiasmullie/path-converter 1.1.0 Relative path converter
monolog/monolog 1.23.0 Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
nesbot/carbon 1.22.1 A simple API extension for DateTime.
nikic/fast-route v0.6.0 Fast request router for PHP
oyejorge/less.php v1.7.0.14 PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS (Originally maintained by Josh Schmidt)
paragonie/random_compat v1.4.2 PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
psr/http-message 1.0.1 Common interface for HTTP messages
psr/log 1.0.2 Common interface for logging libraries
pusher/pusher-php-server 2.6.4 Library for interacting with the Pusher REST API
s9e/text-formatter 0.8.5 Multi-purpose text formatting and markup library. Plugins offer support for BBCodes, Markdown, emoticons, HTML, embedding media (YouTube, e...
swiftmailer/swiftmailer v5.4.8 Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
symfony/console v2.8.25 Symfony Console Component
symfony/debug v2.7.32 Symfony Debug Component
symfony/filesystem v3.3.5 Symfony Filesystem Component
symfony/finder v2.7.32 Symfony Finder Component
symfony/http-foundation v2.7.32 Symfony HttpFoundation Component
symfony/polyfill-mbstring v1.4.0 Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
symfony/process v3.3.5 Symfony Process Component
symfony/translation v2.7.32 Symfony Translation Component
symfony/yaml v2.8.25 Symfony Yaml Component
tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.1 Akismet is a wrapper-class to communicate with the Akismet API.
tobscure/json-api v0.3.0 JSON-API responses in PHP
zendframework/zend-diactoros 1.4.0 PSR HTTP Message implementations
zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
zendframework/zend-stratigility 1.3.3 Middleware for PHP