lightdatacomparator Public
Lightweight data compare tool. Use case: you have an unversioned folder with files on one system and the same folder on another. You want to reduce the risk of changes going unnoticed. Use this too…
This is a Python port of the C++ version of Pete Warden's extract_loudest_section tool. Distrubuted under the same license.
truegitcodechurn Public
Python script to compute "true" code churn of a Git repository.
arubabank_api Public
Forked from orson1282/arubabank_apiThis is a simple Python script that logs in to your Aruba Bank account and retrieves your data.
openpose Public
Forked from CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openposeOpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
pyampute Public
Forked from RianneSchouten/pyamputeMissing data amputation and exploration functions for Python
Collatz Public
Arc diagram visualization of the parity Collatz function from the famous conjecture.
nnet-ts Public
Forked from josejimenezluna/nnet-tsNeural network architecture for time series forecasting.
google-analytics-fullscreen Public
A small javascript bookmarklet that shows Google Analytics in fullscreen in your browser, without the header and side menu bars. It's a quick way to showcase analytics on a big screen.
simplePHPDomainParser Public
A very simple domain parser for PHP version 5.6.2+. Splits a URL into subdomain(s), registrable domain, and public suffix(es).