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Simple client/server example that can be used as a starting point for development using Fix8Pro


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Fix8Pro C++ example

An example client/server that can be used as a starting point for development using the Fix8Pro C++ Framework.

  1. Introduction
  2. To download
  3. Before you build
  4. To build
  5. To setup your run environment
  6. CLI options
  7. To run
  8. Sample output
    1. Server
    2. Client
    3. Misc


You have two main options when you develop a FIX application using Fix8Pro. For super high performance close to the metal, choose Fix8Pro C++ Framework (this example). For high performance and rapid development using a range of modern languages, choose UFE.

The UFE package comes with freely available high performance UFEed© client adaptors. You can find full source code and instructions for all our UFEed adaptors (Python, Java, C# and C++) on our github repo.

This brief example demonstrates how to create a client and a server that can listen and accept or initiate FIX sessions.

This example uses the standard FIX44 dictionary. It also uses high quality pseudo-random number generation classes provided by the C++ Standard Library, offering a model for creating simulations.

Shows the server responding to a NewOrderSingle

Message displayed with the built-in Fix8Pro printer

To download

You can read about all the available releases here. There are two branches: master (stable version) and dev (latest cutting edge).

Optionally specify the dev branch when you clone:

git clone [-b dev]
cd fix8pro_example

Before you build

You will need the following to build this example:

  1. A supported C++17 compiler and build environment
  2. A Fix8Pro license from Fix8MT (or an evaluation license)
  3. An installed Fix8Pro binary package, minimum version 22.03

To build

For example assuming you have installed Fix8Pro to /opt/fix8pro and your license file is also in /opt/fix8pro:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DFIX8PRO_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/fix8pro/mylic.xml -DFIX8PRO_ROOT=/opt/fix8pro -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make install

To setup your run environment

  1. Add your Fix8Pro binary and library installation directories to your $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example, if you installed Fix8Pro to /opt/fix8pro:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/fix8pro/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/fix8pro/lib
  1. Set your $FIX8PRO_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. For example, if your license file is in /opt/fix8pro:
export FIX8PRO_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/fix8pro/mylic.xml

CLI options

These options are defined in Application::options_setup(). Some of the options are added by Fix8ProApplication.

% ./simpleclisrv -h
Fix8Pro sample client/server
  simpleclisrv [OPTION...]

  -c, --config arg         xml config (default: simple_client.xml or
  -l, --log arg            global log filename (default:
                           ./run/client_%{DATE}_global.log or ./run/server_%{DATE}_global.log)
  -V, --serversession arg  name of server session profile in xml config to
                           use (default: SRV)
  -C, --clientsession arg  name of client session profile in xml config to
                           use (default: CLI)
  -q, --quiet              do not print fix output
  -R, --receive arg        set next expected receive sequence number
                           (default: 0)
  -S, --send arg           set next expected send sequence number (default:
  -g, --giveupreset arg    number of reliable reconnects to try before
                           resetting seqnums (default: 10)
  -r, --reliable           start in reliable mode (default: true)
  -G, --generate           generate NewOrderSingle messages (client)
                           (default: true)
  -I, --interval arg       client generation interval (msecs); if -ve use
                           random interval between 0 and -(n) (default: 5000)
  -H, --showheartbeats     show inbound heartbeats (default: true)
  -L, --libpath arg        library path to load Fix8 schema object, default
                           path or LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  -T, --threadname arg     prefix thread names with given string
  -t, --states             show session and reliable session thread state
                           changes (default: true)
  -U, --username arg       FIX username used in logon (default: testuser)
  -P, --password arg       FIX password used in logon (cleartext) (default:
  -u, --summary            run in summary display mode
  -k, --capture arg        capture all screen output to specified file
  -s, --server             run in server mode (default client mode)
  -D, --debug              debug mode

 info options:
  -h, --help          Help screen
  -v, --version       Version
  -0, --showcmdline   Show cmdline details
  -5, --environment   Show FIX8PRO environment variable help; show env vars
                      (debug mode)
  -6, --dependencies  Show shared library dependencies
  -7, --binaryreport  Show ABI, lib and binary info
  -8, --appinfo       Show application banner and info

 history options:
  -1, --history      Print command history; look in current directory or in
                     $FIX8PRO_CMD_HIST_DIR; use $FIX8PRO_CMD_HIST_SIZE to set
                     max history or 0 to turn off
  -2, --invoke arg   Invoke given command by index (use -ve from last)
  -3, --remove       Remove all history
  -4, --interactive  Interactve mode, select/edit using bash-like commands,
                     (? <enter> for help)

simple cli/srv pair:
   simpleclisrv -c config/simple_server.xml -s
   simpleclisrv -c config/simple_client.xml
cli/srv pair with supplied hash pw, random generation interval (~1s), base thread named, run in summary mode:
   simpleclisrv -sc ../config/simple_server.xml -P 5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8 -u -T clisrv
   simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_client.xml  -I -1000 -P 5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8 -u -T clisrv

To run

This example has been designed to run as two instances - a client and a server. For simplicity we'll run the test from the ./build directory. In one terminal we'll run our server:

./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_server.xml -s

In our other terminal we'll run our client:

./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_client.xml
  • When connected, the client will send a NewOrderSingle every 5 seconds. The server will simulate an order accept and trade, sending back an acknowledgment followed by a random number of fills (ExecutionReports).
  • From the client, press l<enter> to logout and shutdown, q<enter> to shutdown and x<enter> to just exit

Sample output


Shows the server receiving a login, receiving NewOrderSingles and sending ExecutionReports.

% ./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_server.xml -s
Waiting for new connection (q=quit)...
Client session(0) connection established.
none => wait_for_logon
---------------------- Recv ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              151
   MsgType (35) <String>                Logon (A)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           CLI_SRV
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           SRV_CLI
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              1
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:19.747
Logon (A)
   EncryptMethod (98) <int>             None (0)
   HeartBtInt (108) <int>               10
   Username (553) <String>              testuser
   Password (554) <String>              5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8
   CheckSum (10) <String>               192
wait_for_logon => logon_received
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              151
   MsgType (35) <String>                Logon (A)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              1
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:19.756
Logon (A)
   EncryptMethod (98) <int>             None (0)
   HeartBtInt (108) <int>               10
   Username (553) <String>              testuser
   Password (554) <String>              5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8
   CheckSum (10) <String>               192
logon_received => continuous
---------------------- Recv ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              151
   MsgType (35) <String>                NewOrderSingle (D)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           CLI_SRV
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           SRV_CLI
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              2
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:22.247
NewOrderSingle (D)
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000001
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NASDAQ:FB
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:22.247
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   9
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   200.14
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheOpening (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               100
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              224
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              2
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:22.250
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000001
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000001
   ExecID (17) <String>                 E2022031700000001
   ExecType (150) <char>                New (0)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                New (0)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NASDAQ:FB
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   9
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   200.14
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheOpening (2)
   LastCapacity (29) <char>             Principal (4)
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                9
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    0
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    0
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:22.247
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               153
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              284
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              3
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:22.252
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000001
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000001
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          STANS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          6766
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          SIMM
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          6112
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           2
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000002
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NASDAQ:FB
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   9
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   200.14
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheOpening (2)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   4
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                5
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    4
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    200.14
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:22.247
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               165
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              283
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              4
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:22.253
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000001
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000001
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          AVR1
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          6680
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          HULZ
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          9436
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000003
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NASDAQ:FB
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   9
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   200.14
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheOpening (2)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   2
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                3
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    6
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    200.14
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:22.247
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               072
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              283
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              5
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:22.254
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000001
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000001
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          BRTS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          9800
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          HULV
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          4574
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000004
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NASDAQ:FB
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   9
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   200.14
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheOpening (2)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   2
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                1
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    8
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    200.14
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:22.247
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               099
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              259
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              6
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:22.255
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000001
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000001
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/1)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          CAMS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          6373
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000005
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                Filled (2)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NASDAQ:FB
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   9
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   200.14
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheOpening (2)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   1
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                0
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    9
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    200.14
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:22.247
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               123
---------------------- Recv ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              151
   MsgType (35) <String>                NewOrderSingle (D)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           CLI_SRV
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           SRV_CLI
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              3
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:23.716
NewOrderSingle (D)
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000002
   HandlInst (21) <char>                ManualOrder (3)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:XOM
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:23.716
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   82
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   83.397
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCancel (1)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               166
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              225
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              7
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:23.718
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000002
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000002
   ExecID (17) <String>                 E2022031700000006
   ExecType (150) <char>                New (0)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                New (0)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:XOM
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   82
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   83.397
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCancel (1)
   LastCapacity (29) <char>             Principal (4)
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                82
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    0
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    0
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:23.716
   HandlInst (21) <char>                ManualOrder (3)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               031
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              313
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              8
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:23.721
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000002
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000002
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 3
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          NYVY
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          6506
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           12
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          STANS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          7178
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           17
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          SIMM
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          8836
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000007
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:XOM
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   82
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   83.397
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCancel (1)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   30
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                52
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    30
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    83.397
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:23.716
   HandlInst (21) <char>                ManualOrder (3)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               242
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              360
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              9
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:23.722
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000002
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000002
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 5
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          ORTA
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          8990
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           11
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          STANS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          4305
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          SIMM
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          5673
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 4/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          AVR2
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          4569
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           7
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 5/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          NXPR
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          5420
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           2
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000008
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:XOM
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   82
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   83.397
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCancel (1)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   24
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                28
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    54
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    83.397
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:23.716
   HandlInst (21) <char>                ManualOrder (3)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               064
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              360
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              10
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:23.724
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000002
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000002
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/5)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          KLMR
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 4/5)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 5/5)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
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---------------------- Recv ----------------------
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NewOrderSingle (D)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
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   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
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---------------------- Sent ----------------------
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ExecutionReport (8)
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---------------------- Recv ----------------------
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NewOrderSingle (D)
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   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               169
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              228
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              22
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.221
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   ExecID (17) <String>                 E2022031700000021
   ExecType (150) <char>                New (0)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                New (0)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastCapacity (29) <char>             Principal (4)
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                181
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    0
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    0
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               117
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              363
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              23
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.223
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 5
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          HULV
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          4585
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           18
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          NXPR
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          4395
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           22
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          BRTS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          8422
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           5
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 4/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          BRTS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          2470
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 5/5)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          SIMM
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          3107
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000022
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   47
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                134
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    47
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               156
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              314
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              24
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.226
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 3
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          HULV
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          7245
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           40
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          CAMS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          6771
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           5
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          STANS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          5152
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           7
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000023
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   52
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                82
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    99
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               206
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              290
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              25
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.227
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          AVR2
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          1147
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           20
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          AVR2
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          9155
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000024
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   21
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                61
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    120
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               147
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              314
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              26
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.227
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 3
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          AVR2
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          7316
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           9
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          HULZ
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          7862
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           15
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          NYVY
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          7543
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000025
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   25
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                36
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    145
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               201
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              339
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              27
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.228
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 4
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/4)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          AVR1
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          7003
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           17
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/4)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          AVR1
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          2920
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/4)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          ORTA
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          6564
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 4/4)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          STANS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          2545
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000026
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   21
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                15
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    166
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               144
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              311
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              28
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.229
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 3
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          SIMM
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          9344
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           5
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          HULV
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          9564
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 3/3)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          ORTA
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          1366
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000027
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   7
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                8
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    173
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               043
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              287
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              29
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.230
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          CAMS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          2558
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           2
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 2/2)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          HULZ
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          9039
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000028
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   3
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                5
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    176
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               077
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              263
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              30
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.231
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/1)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          KLMR
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          2559
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           4
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000029
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                PartiallyFilled (1)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   4
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                1
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    180
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               112
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              263
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              31
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:26.232
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000004
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000004
   NoContraBrokers (382) <NumInGroup> [ContraGrp] 1
   NoContraBrokers (Repeating group 1/1)
      ContraBroker (375) <String>          BRTS
      ContraTrader (337) <String>          5679
      ContraTradeQty (437) <Qty>           1
   ExecID (17) <String>                 F2022031700000030
   ExecType (150) <char>                Trade (F)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                Filled (2)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:BAC
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   181
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   40.818
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              GoodTillCrossing (5)
   LastQty (32) <Qty>                   1
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                0
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    181
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    40.818
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:26.219
   HandlInst (21) <char>                AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK (2)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               112
---------------------- Recv ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              151
   MsgType (35) <String>                NewOrderSingle (D)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           CLI_SRV
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           SRV_CLI
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              6
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:27.455
NewOrderSingle (D)
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000005
   HandlInst (21) <char>                ManualOrder (3)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:UNH
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:27.455
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   3
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   498.602
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheClose (7)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               169
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              232
   MsgType (35) <String>                ExecutionReport (8)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              32
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:27.457
ExecutionReport (8)
   OrderID (37) <String>                O2022031700000005
   ClOrdID (11) <String>                C2022031700000005
   ExecID (17) <String>                 E2022031700000031
   ExecType (150) <char>                Rejected (8)
   OrdStatus (39) <char>                Rejected (8)
   OrdRejReason (103) <int>             IncorrectAllocatedQuantity (14)
   Symbol (55) <String> [Instrument]    NYSE:UNH
   Side (54) <char>                     Sell (2)
   OrderQty (38) <Qty> [OrderQtyData]   3
   OrdType (40) <char>                  Limit (2)
   Price (44) <Price>                   498.602
   TimeInForce (59) <char>              AtTheClose (7)
   LastCapacity (29) <char>             Principal (4)
   LeavesQty (151) <Qty>                0
   CumQty (14) <Qty>                    0
   AvgPx (6) <Price>                    0
   TransactTime (60) <UTCTimestamp>     20220316-21:33:27.455
   HandlInst (21) <char>                ManualOrder (3)
   CheckSum (10) <String>               089
---------------------- Recv ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              80
   MsgType (35) <String>                Logout (5)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           CLI_SRV
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           SRV_CLI
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              7
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:29.328
Logout (5)
   Text (58) <String>                   goodbye from client
   CheckSum (10) <String>               075
continuous => logoff_received
---------------------- Sent ----------------------
   BeginString (8) <String>             FIX.4.4
   BodyLength (9) <Length>              85
   MsgType (35) <String>                Logout (5)
   SenderCompID (49) <String>           SRV_CLI
   TargetCompID (56) <String>           CLI_SRV
   MsgSeqNum (34) <SeqNum>              33
   SendingTime (52) <UTCTimestamp>      20220316-21:33:29.330
Logout (5)
   Text (58) <String>                   remote initiated logout
   CheckSum (10) <String>               061
logoff_received => logoff_sent_and_received
logoff_sent_and_received => session_terminated
Client session(1) finished. Waiting for new connection (q=quit)...

Shows the server responding to a NewOrderSingle by sending an ExecutionReport.

Shows the server responding to a NewOrderSingle

Shows the server sending and receiving messages (summary mode).

Shows the server sending and receiving messages


Shows the client logging in, sending NewOrderSingles and receiving ExecutionReports. Summary mode was selected.

% ./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_client.xml -u
starting reliable client
none => starting
starting => attempting (1) attempt(s)
attempting => connected
   none => not_logged_in
Sent 2022-03-17 08:33:19.747446966 Logon           (A) seq=1
   not_logged_in => logon_sent
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:19.756000000 Logon           (A) seq=1
   logon_sent => logon_received
   logon_received => continuous
Sent 2022-03-17 08:33:22.247519268 NewOrderSingle  (D) seq=2      NASDAQ:FB    S 9 @ 200.14
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:22.250000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=2      NASDAQ:FB    S 9 @ 200.14 New
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:22.252000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=3      NASDAQ:FB    S 4 @ 200.14 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:22.253000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=4      NASDAQ:FB    S 2 @ 200.14 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:22.254000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=5      NASDAQ:FB    S 2 @ 200.14 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:22.255000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=6      NASDAQ:FB    S 1 @ 200.14 Filled
Sent 2022-03-17 08:33:23.716449040 NewOrderSingle  (D) seq=3      NYSE:XOM     S 82 @ 83.3974
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.718000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=7      NYSE:XOM     S 82 @ 83.397 New
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.721000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=8      NYSE:XOM     S 30 @ 83.397 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.722000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=9      NYSE:XOM     S 24 @ 83.397 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.724000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=10     NYSE:XOM     S 16 @ 83.397 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.725000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=11     NYSE:XOM     S 6 @ 83.397 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.726000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=12     NYSE:XOM     S 2 @ 83.397 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.727000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=13     NYSE:XOM     S 2 @ 83.397 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:23.728000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=14     NYSE:XOM     S 2 @ 83.397 Filled
Sent 2022-03-17 08:33:24.369535580 NewOrderSingle  (D) seq=4      NYSE:WMT     S 219 @ 142.521
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:24.371000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=15     NYSE:WMT     S 219 @ 142.521 New
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:24.374000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=16     NYSE:WMT     S 184 @ 142.521 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:24.376000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=17     NYSE:WMT     S 11 @ 142.521 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:24.377000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=18     NYSE:WMT     S 5 @ 142.521 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:24.378000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=19     NYSE:WMT     S 13 @ 142.521 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:24.379000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=20     NYSE:WMT     S 4 @ 142.521 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:24.379000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=21     NYSE:WMT     S 2 @ 142.521 Filled
Sent 2022-03-17 08:33:26.219801667 NewOrderSingle  (D) seq=5      NYSE:BAC     S 181 @ 40.8182
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.221000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=22     NYSE:BAC     S 181 @ 40.818 New
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.223000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=23     NYSE:BAC     S 47 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.226000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=24     NYSE:BAC     S 52 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.227000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=25     NYSE:BAC     S 21 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.227000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=26     NYSE:BAC     S 25 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.228000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=27     NYSE:BAC     S 21 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.229000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=28     NYSE:BAC     S 7 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.230000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=29     NYSE:BAC     S 3 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.231000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=30     NYSE:BAC     S 4 @ 40.818 PartiallyFilled
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:26.232000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=31     NYSE:BAC     S 1 @ 40.818 Filled
Sent 2022-03-17 08:33:27.455449427 NewOrderSingle  (D) seq=6      NYSE:UNH     S 3 @ 498.602
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:27.457000000 ExecutionReport (8) seq=32     NYSE:UNH     S 3 @ 498.602 Rejected
Sent 2022-03-17 08:33:29.328844266 Logout          (5) seq=7
   continuous => logoff_sent
Recv 2022-03-17 08:33:29.330000000 Logout          (5) seq=33
   logoff_sent => logoff_received
   logoff_received => session_terminated
 => stopping

Shows the client receiving an ExecutionReport (verbose mode).

Shows the client receiving an ExecutionReport

Shows the client sending and receiving messages (summary mode).

Shows the client sending and receiving messages

Shows a reliable client attempting to reconnect, finally performing an automatic sequence reset and successfully connecting. Notice the state changes.

Shows a reliable client attempting to reconnect, finally performing an automatic sequence reset and successfully connecting


Using thread naming and filtering with htop, showing client and server threads.

Thread naming and filtering