An example client/server that can be used as a starting point for development using the Fix8Pro C++ Framework.
- Introduction
- To download
- Before you build
- To build
- To setup your run environment
- To run
- CLI options
- Sample output
You have two main options when you develop a FIX application using Fix8Pro. For super high performance close to the metal, choose Fix8Pro C++ Framework (this example). For high performance and rapid development using a range of modern languages, choose UFE.
The UFE package comes with freely available high performance UFEed© client adaptors. You can find full source code and instructions for all our UFEed adaptors (Python, Java, C# and C++) on our github repo.
This brief example demonstrates how to create a client and a server that can listen and accept or initiate FIX sessions. This example uses the standard FIX42 dictionary.
There are two branches: master
(stable version) and dev
(latest cutting edge). Optionally specify the dev
branch when you clone:
git clone [-b dev]
cd fix8pro_example
You will need the following to build this example:
- A supported C++17 compiler and build environment
- A Fix8Pro license from Fix8MT (or an evaluation license)
- An installed Fix8Pro binary package
For example assuming you have installed Fix8Pro to /opt/fix8pro
and your license file is also in /opt/fix8pro
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DFIX8PRO_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/fix8pro/mylic.xml -DFIX8PRO_ROOT=/opt/fix8pro -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make install
- Add your Fix8Pro binary and library installation directories to your
. For example, if you installed Fix8Pro to/opt/fix8pro
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/fix8pro/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/fix8pro/lib
- Set your
environment variable. For example, if your license file is in/opt/fix8pro
export FIX8PRO_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/fix8pro/mylic.xml
This example has been designed to run as two instances - a client and a server. For simplicity we'll run the test from the ./build
In one terminal we'll run our server:
./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_server.xml -s
In our other terminal we'll run our client:
./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_client.xml
- When connected, the client will send a
every 5 seconds. The server will simulate an order accept and trade, sending back an acknowledgment followed by a random number of fills (ExecutionReport
s). - From the client, press
to logout and shutdown,q<enter>
to shutdown andx<enter>
to just exit
These options are defined in Application::options_setup(). Some of the options are added by Fix8ProApplication.
% ./simpleclisrv -h
Fix8Pro sample client/server
simpleclisrv [OPTION...]
-c, --config arg xml config (default: simple_client.xml or
-l, --log arg global log filename (default: global.log)
-V, --serversession arg name of server session profile to use (default:
-C, --clientsession arg name of client session profile to use (default:
-q, --quiet do not print fix output
-R, --receive arg set next expected receive sequence number
(default: 0)
-S, --send arg set next expected send sequence number (default:
-g, --giveupreset arg number of reliable reconnects to try before
resetting seqnums (default: 10)
-r, --reliable start in reliable mode (default: true)
-H, --showheartbeats show inbound heartbeats (default: true)
-L, --libpath arg library path to load Fix8 schema object, default
-s, --server run in server mode (default client mode)
-D, --debug debug mode
info options:
-h, --help Help screen
-v, --version Version
-0, --showcmdline Show cmdline details
-5, --environment Show FIX8PRO environment variable help; show env vars
(debug mode)
-6, --dependencies Show shared library dependencies
-7, --binaryreport Show ABI, lib and binary info
-8, --appinfo Show application banner and info
history options:
-1, --history Print command history; look in current directory or in
max history or 0 to turn off
-2, --invoke arg Invoke given command by index (use -ve from last)
-3, --remove Remove all history
-4, --interactive Interactve mode, select/edit using bash-like commands,
(? <enter> for help)
simpleclisrv -c config/simple_server.xml -s
simpleclisrv -c config/simple_client.xml
% ./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_server.xml -s
Client session(1) connection established.
none => wait_for_logon (../runtime/session.cpp:250)
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 69
MsgType (35) Logon (A)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 1
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:18.993
Logon ("A")
EncryptMethod (98) None (0)
HeartBtInt (108) 10
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 105
wait_for_logon => logon_received (../runtime/session.cpp:735)
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 69
MsgType (35) Logon (A)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 1
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:18.999
Logon ("A")
EncryptMethod (98) 0
HeartBtInt (108) 10
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 111
logon_received => continuous (../runtime/session.cpp:1022)
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 2
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:23.992
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord1
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Buy (1)
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.635
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 012
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 2
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:23.993
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord1
ClOrdID (11) ord1
ExecID (17) exec1
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 0
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Buy (1)
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.63
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) 4
LeavesQty (151) 25
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 172
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 199
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 3
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:24.006
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord1
ClOrdID (11) ord1
ExecID (17) exec2
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 1
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Buy (1)
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.63
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 21
LeavesQty (151) 4
CumQty (14) 21
AvgPx (6) 119.63
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 210
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 198
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 4
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:24.007
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord1
ClOrdID (11) ord1
ExecID (17) exec3
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 2
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Buy (1)
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.63
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 4
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 25
AvgPx (6) 119.63
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 166
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 3
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:29.008
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord2
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:29.008
OrderQty (38) 14
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.944
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 005
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 5
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:29.010
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord2
ClOrdID (11) ord2
ExecID (17) exec4
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 0
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 14
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.94
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) 4
LeavesQty (151) 14
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:29.008
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 162
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 199
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 6
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:29.023
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord2
ClOrdID (11) ord2
ExecID (17) exec5
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 2
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 14
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.94
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 14
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 14
AvgPx (6) 119.94
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:29.008
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 225
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 4
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:34.028
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord3
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:34.028
OrderQty (38) 20
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.706
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 252
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 7
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:34.029
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord3
ClOrdID (11) ord3
ExecID (17) exec6
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 0
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 20
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.71
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) 4
LeavesQty (151) 20
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:34.028
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 161
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 199
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 8
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:34.030
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord3
ClOrdID (11) ord3
ExecID (17) exec7
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 2
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 20
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.71
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 20
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 20
AvgPx (6) 119.71
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:34.028
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 204
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 5
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.033
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord4
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.451
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 246
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 9
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.034
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec8
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 0
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) 4
LeavesQty (151) 21
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 164
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 200
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 10
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.048
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec9
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 1
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 18
LeavesQty (151) 3
CumQty (14) 18
AvgPx (6) 120.45
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 250
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 200
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 11
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.049
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec10
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 1
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 2
LeavesQty (151) 1
CumQty (14) 20
AvgPx (6) 120.45
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 228
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 200
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 12
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.050
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec11
ExecTransType (20) 0
ExecType (150) 0
OrdStatus (39) 2
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 1
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 21
AvgPx (6) 120.45
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 222
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 68
MsgType (35) Logout (5)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 6
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:40.565
Logout ("5")
Text (58) goodbye
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 212
continuous => logoff_received (../runtime/session.cpp:1063)
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 85
MsgType (35) Logout (5)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 13
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:40.566
Logout ("5")
Text (58) remote initiated logout
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 058
logoff_received => logoff_sent_and_received (../runtime/session.cpp:1076)
logoff_sent_and_received => session_terminated (../runtime/session.cpp:358)
Client session(1) finished. Waiting for new connection...
^C*** Interrupt(2) ***
Shows the server responding to a logout, send a logoff response, and then awaiting a new connection. Notice the state changes.
% ./simpleclisrv -c ../config/simple_client.xml
starting reliable client
Press 'l' to logout and quit, 'q' to quit (no logout), 'x' to just exit
none => not_logged_in (../runtime/session.cpp:286)
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 69
MsgType (35) Logon (A)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 1
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:18.993
Logon ("A")
EncryptMethod (98) 0
HeartBtInt (108) 10
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 105
not_logged_in => logon_sent (../runtime/session.cpp:308)
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 69
MsgType (35) Logon (A)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 1
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:18.999
Logon ("A")
EncryptMethod (98) None (0)
HeartBtInt (108) 10
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 111
logon_sent => logon_received (../runtime/session.cpp:735)
logon_received => continuous (../runtime/session.cpp:809)
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 2
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:23.992
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord1
HandlInst (21) 1
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) 1
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) 2
Price (44) 119.635
TimeInForce (59) 4
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 012
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 2
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:23.993
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord1
ClOrdID (11) ord1
ExecID (17) exec1
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) New (0)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Buy (1)
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.63
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) Principal (4)
LeavesQty (151) 25
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 172
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 199
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 3
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:24.006
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord1
ClOrdID (11) ord1
ExecID (17) exec2
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) PartiallyFilled (1)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Buy (1)
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.63
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 21
LeavesQty (151) 4
CumQty (14) 21
AvgPx (6) 119.63
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 210
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 198
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 4
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:24.007
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord1
ClOrdID (11) ord1
ExecID (17) exec3
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) Filled (2)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Buy (1)
OrderQty (38) 25
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.63
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 4
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 25
AvgPx (6) 119.63
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:23.991
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 166
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 3
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:29.008
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord2
HandlInst (21) 1
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) 2
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:29.008
OrderQty (38) 14
OrdType (40) 2
Price (44) 119.944
TimeInForce (59) 4
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 005
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 5
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:29.010
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord2
ClOrdID (11) ord2
ExecID (17) exec4
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) New (0)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 14
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.94
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) Principal (4)
LeavesQty (151) 14
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:29.008
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 162
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 199
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 6
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:29.023
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord2
ClOrdID (11) ord2
ExecID (17) exec5
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) Filled (2)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 14
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.94
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 14
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 14
AvgPx (6) 119.94
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:29.008
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 225
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 4
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:34.028
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord3
HandlInst (21) 1
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) 2
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:34.028
OrderQty (38) 20
OrdType (40) 2
Price (44) 119.706
TimeInForce (59) 4
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 252
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 7
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:34.029
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord3
ClOrdID (11) ord3
ExecID (17) exec6
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) New (0)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 20
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.71
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) Principal (4)
LeavesQty (151) 20
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:34.028
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 161
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 199
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 8
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:34.030
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord3
ClOrdID (11) ord3
ExecID (17) exec7
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) Filled (2)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 20
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 119.71
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 20
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 20
AvgPx (6) 119.71
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:34.028
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 204
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 140
MsgType (35) NewOrderSingle (D)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 5
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.033
NewOrderSingle ("D")
ClOrdID (11) ord4
HandlInst (21) 1
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) 2
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) 2
Price (44) 120.451
TimeInForce (59) 4
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 246
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 193
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 9
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.034
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec8
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) New (0)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastCapacity (29) Principal (4)
LeavesQty (151) 21
CumQty (14) 0
AvgPx (6) 0
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 164
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 200
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 10
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.048
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec9
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) PartiallyFilled (1)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 18
LeavesQty (151) 3
CumQty (14) 18
AvgPx (6) 120.45
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 250
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 200
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 11
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.049
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec10
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) PartiallyFilled (1)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 2
LeavesQty (151) 1
CumQty (14) 20
AvgPx (6) 120.45
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 228
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 200
MsgType (35) ExecutionReport (8)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 12
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:39.050
ExecutionReport ("8")
OrderID (37) ord4
ClOrdID (11) ord4
ExecID (17) exec11
ExecTransType (20) New (0)
ExecType (150) New (0)
OrdStatus (39) Filled (2)
Symbol (55) NYSE::IBM
Side (54) Sell (2)
OrderQty (38) 21
OrdType (40) Limit (2)
Price (44) 120.45
TimeInForce (59) FillOrKill (4)
LastShares (32) 1
LeavesQty (151) 0
CumQty (14) 21
AvgPx (6) 120.45
TransactTime (60) 20211210-05:08:39.033
HandlInst (21) AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention (1)
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 222
---------------------- sent ----------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 68
MsgType (35) Logout (5)
SenderCompID (49) CLI_SRV
TargetCompID (56) SRV_CLI
MsgSeqNum (34) 6
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:40.565
Logout ("5")
Text (58) goodbye
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 212
continuous => logoff_sent (../runtime/session.cpp:1076)
-------------------- received --------------------
header ("header")
BeginString (8) FIX.4.2
BodyLength (9) 85
MsgType (35) Logout (5)
SenderCompID (49) SRV_CLI
TargetCompID (56) CLI_SRV
MsgSeqNum (34) 13
SendingTime (52) 20211210-05:08:40.566
Logout ("5")
Text (58) remote initiated logout
trailer ("trailer")
CheckSum (10) 058
logoff_sent => logoff_received (../runtime/session.cpp:1063)
logoff_received => session_terminated (../runtime/session.cpp:358)