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Zig OSDev zig-osdev
Operating System Development in Zig


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Carl Smedstad carlsmedstad
Engineering Lead @Boeing & Package Maintainer @archlinux

@Boeing Gothenburg

Loris Cro kristoff-it
vp of community @ziglang • curator of software you can love (

@ziglang Milan, Italy

Matthew Lugg mlugg
Zig core team member & compiler developer.
Andrew Kelley andrewrk
Lead developer & president of Zig Software Foundation

@ziglang Portland, Oregon

Ruben de Vries rubensayshi

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Andreas Kling awesomekling
Building a truly independent web browser with the help of friends around the world :^)

@LadybirdBrowser Sweden

Daniel Holden orangeduck
Animation & Machine Learning at Epic Games. Writer / Programmer.


Dylan Beattie dylanbeattie
Developer, speaker, musician. Creator of @RockstarLang. C#, JavaScript, SQL, HTTP/REST, distributed systems, 80s rock music, hats, cats, Lego, guitars & travel.

@ursatile London, UK

Linus Torvalds torvalds

Linux Foundation Portland, OR

Oleh Krehel abo-abo

@wavemm Matosinhos, Portugal

andrea denisse denisse-dev
main = putStrLn "Hello, World!"

@ArchLinux @wikimedia Kawaiian Islands

Erik Sjöstrand Kungsgeten
Likes contract bridge, music, computers and games. Works as a computer game development teacher at the University of Skövde.

Skövde, Sweden

Jess Frazelle jessfraz
A superhero with supervillain tendencies.

@KittyCAD PID 1

Lee Hinman dakrone
Quod facimus format in id quod fimus.

Elasticsearch Denver, CO

Andy Stewart manateelazycat
Linux, Emacs开源社区从业二十余载 懒猫微服CEO, 不端不装, 仗剑走天涯 客官喜欢, 欢迎买我家的懒猫微服 China

Henrik Lissner hlissner
I've doomed us all.

Toronto, ON

Alexander F. Rødseth xyproto
Software Developer, Arch Linux package maintainer, Go/Python/C++/C developer and open source enthusiast. I enjoy playing the game of Go as well.


Ingo Bürk Airblader
Software Engineer @ confluentinc. Committer @ Apache Flink. Maintainer @ i3(-gaps).

Confluent Munich, Germany

Chen Bin redguardtoo
C developer in China, Javascript developer in Australia

working Sydney

Robert C. Martin unclebob
Uncle Bob. Author of Clean Code.

Uncle Bob Consulting LLC. Gurnee, IL

Olaoluwa Osuntokun Roasbeef
half-man, half-beef

San Francisco

Kaushal Modi kaushalmodi
Command-line, emacs, Org mode, hugo, Nim

@analogdevicesinc North Carolina, USA

Dominik Honnef dominikh
Long-time Go user, contributor, and author of many Go related tools, including Staticcheck.

Open-source developer Germany

Derek Parker derekparker
Engineering The Software.

Bay Area, CA

Dave Cheney davecheney
I service society by rocking.

GitHub Sydney, Australia

Felix Angell felixangell
hello there

@lbg London, United Kingdom

Ogden Webb ogdenwebb
Natalie Weizenbaum nex3
Lead designer and developer of @sass. Jewish. Antizionist.

@google Seattle