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bin-yang-algotune edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 4 revisions
repo comment created_at last_commit star_count repo_status rating
RL Trading A collection of 25+ Reinforcement Learning Trading Strategies -Google Colab. nan nan nan ✔️
RL OpenGym with Deep Q-learning and Policy Gradient. 10/4/16 14:42 12/23/16 7:34 713.0 ✖️
RL III Github -Deep Reinforcement Learning based Trading Agent for Bitcoin. 9/21/17 17:05 4/13/18 16:33 576.0 ✖️
RL V Building an Agent to Trade with Reinforcement Learning. 1/16/19 0:43 3/19/20 20:28 32.0 ✔️
Pair Trading RL Using deep actor-critic model to learn best strategies in pair trading. 5/18/17 16:47 5/18/17 16:56 241.0 ✖️
RL IV Reinforcement Learning for finance. 10/21/16 2:47 4/7/17 8:11 140.0 ✖️
RL II reinforcement learning on stock market and agent tries to learn trading. 6/11/16 7:27 1/22/18 14:35 1340.0 ✖️
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