./gradlew assembleDevRelease
Task :main:minifyDevReleaseWithR8
/home/runner/work/Actions/Actions/main/src/main/java/tw/firemaples/onscreenocr/floatings/translationSelectPanel/TranslationSelectPanelViewModel.kt:219: Error: Expected non-nullable value [NullSafeMutableLiveData from androidx.lifecycle]
Task :main:lintVitalReportDevRelease
_displayTranslationProviders.value = translationRepo.getAllProviders().first()
Explanation for issues of type "NullSafeMutableLiveData":
This check ensures that LiveData values are not null when explicitly
Task :main:lintVitalDevRelease FAILED
declared as non-nullable.
Kotlin interoperability does not support enforcing explicit
null-safety when using generic Java type parameters. Since
LiveData is a Java class its value can always be null even
when its type is explicitly declared as non-nullable. This can lead
to runtime exceptions from reading a null LiveData value that is
assumed to be non-nullable.
Vendor: Android Open Source Project
Identifier: androidx.lifecycle
1 errors, 0 warnings
ASM Instrumentation process wasn't able to resolve some classes, this means that
the instrumented classes might contain corrupt stack frames. Make sure the
dependencies that contain these classes are on the runtime or the provided
classpath. Otherwise, the jvm might fail to load the corrupt classes at runtime
when running in a jvm environment like unit tests.
Classes that weren't resolved:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':main:lintVitalDevRelease'.
Lint found fatal errors while assembling a release target.
Fix the issues identified by lint, or create a baseline to see only new errors.
To create a baseline, run gradlew updateLintBaseline
after adding the following to the module's build.gradle file:
android {
lint {
baseline = file("lint-baseline.xml")
For more details, see
46 actionable tasks: 45 executed, 1 from cache
Configuration cache entry stored.
/home/runner/work/Actions/Actions/main/src/main/java/tw/firemaples/onscreenocr/floatings/translationSelectPanel/TranslationSelectPanelViewModel.kt:219: Error: Expected non-nullable value [NullSafeMutableLiveData from androidx.lifecycle]
_displayTranslationProviders.value = translationRepo.getAllProviders().first()
Explanation for issues of type "NullSafeMutableLiveData":
This check ensures that LiveData values are not null when explicitly
declared as non-nullable.
Kotlin interoperability does not support enforcing explicit
null-safety when using generic Java type parameters. Since
LiveData is a Java class its value can always be null even
when its type is explicitly declared as non-nullable. This can lead
to runtime exceptions from reading a null LiveData value that is
assumed to be non-nullable.
Vendor: Android Open Source Project
Identifier: androidx.lifecycle
1 errors, 0 warnings