Chromium-based browser cannot establish a connection with RealtimeDB #7782
Operating System
Windows 11, MacOS 10.14
Browser Version
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge.. (any chromium-based browser)
Firebase SDK Version
Firebase SDK Product:
Describe your project's tooling
Pure ReactJS app built with Vite.
Describe the problem
Overnight Chromium-based browsers became unable to establish a WebSocket connection with the Firebase RealtimeDB [see logs]
Also, this problem happened to multiple users on multiple networks/OSs.
Additionally, in some devices like mine, it does work perfectly on Chrome.
Moreover, if someone has this problem in his devices and uses Firefox/Safari instead of Chrome, it works fine (this is not a firewall config problem).
Some logs that I've collected from different devices of the error:
BTW, I've enforced long-polling and the error persisted!
Steps and code to reproduce issue
This is my config code:
import { FirebaseApp, initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'
import { Auth, getAuth } from 'firebase/auth'
import { Database, getDatabase } from 'firebase/database'
// all field are filled in with real data but I replaced them with placeholders here.
const firebaseApp: Readonly<FirebaseApp> = initializeApp({
authDomain: '<auth_domain>',
projectId: '<project_id>',
databaseURL: '<my_database_url_id>',
appId: '<my_app_id>',
measurementId: '<my_measurementId>'
const firebaseAuth: Readonly<Auth> = getAuth(firebaseApp)
const db: Readonly<Database> = getDatabase(firebaseApp)
export { firebaseAuth, db }
And here's the code that causes the problem:
const aFunctionThatGetsCalledOnHomepageMounts = (...): Unsubscribe | null => {
return onValue(
ref(db, path, // db it the same db object mentioned in the code snippet above (imported).
(snapshot) => {