setDefaultEventParameters - automatic install events #9295
I've noticed that when I set default event params (very early on in app launch), the automatic analytics events sent on-install such as 'first_open' or 'session_start' do not include these params, and they only become available on later events.
I'm using the GTM/firebase integration, and am triggering some GA360 events from GTM. I was hoping to use the Firebase instanceId as the GA360 CID by setting it as a default prop, but unfortunately it seems that I cant pass the Instance ID early enough on app launch for it to be included in automatic events such as first_open or session_start. Another way around this would be for me to just access the instanceId as a variable in GTM, however this isn't available as a built-in variable.
Would it be possible to add a feature where the initialisation of firebase analytics waits until the default props are set before sending events?
An alternative way around this, would be to have a config where you can make GTM use the instanceId as CID for GA360 tags.
documentation ref: