🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Service account doesn't match extension-instance-id #1962
[READ] Step 1: Are you in the right place?
[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your configuration
- Extension name: firestore-bigquery-export
- Extension version: 0.1.45
- Configuration values (redact info where appropriate):
Cloud Functions location: europe-west1
BigQuery Dataset location: eu
BigQuery Project ID: ********
Collection path: *******
Enable Wildcard Column field with Parent Firestore Document IDs(Optional): false
Dataset ID: ******
Table ID: *******
BigQuery SQL table Time Partitioning option type(Optional): DAY
BigQuery Time Partitioning column name(Optional): timestamp
Firestore Document field name for BigQuery SQL Time Partitioning field option(Optional): Parameter not set
BigQuery SQL Time Partitioning table schema field(column) type(Optional): omit
BigQuery SQL table clustering(Optional): document_id
Maximum number of synced documents per second(Optional): 100
Backup Collection Name(Optional): Parameter not set
Transform function URL(Optional): Parameter not set
Use new query syntax for snapshots: no
Exclude old data payloads(Optional): no
Import existing Firestore documents into BigQuery?: yes
Existing Documents Collection(Optional): *********
Use Collection Group query(Optional): no
Docs per backfill: 200
Cloud KMS key name(Optional): Parameter not set
[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem
Steps to reproduce:
When adding the extension a for a cross-project you need to add a service account to the other project. De documentation states that the format for the service account is: ext-extension-instance-id@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com
This is not the case. The new service account added to the main project is different from the extension-instance-id. For example:
extension-instance-id = firestore-bigquery-export-y8oz
service account = ext-firestore-bigquery-ex-5hog@***********.iam.gserviceaccount.com
Expected result
A service account with the same extension ID as the extension
Actual result
A service account with a different extension ID as the extension