By default the in-built go logger sends all output to STDERR
causing messages to appear at error severity level when the docker logging engine is set to syslog. This creates difficulties when attempting to utilise a platform such as the ELK stack and forces the user to create an custom filter.
container_name: freegeoip
image: fiorix/freegeoip
restart: always
log_driver: syslog
syslog-address: tcp://
The following is an example of the record once processed by an ELK stack.
message:2015/10/28 12:59:55 freegeoip server starting on :8080 @version:1 @timestamp:October 28th 2015, 12:59:55.000 host: priority:27 timestamp8601:October 28th 2015, 12:59:55.000 logsource:ip-10-0-12-16 program:docker/683489f2841c pid:888 severity:3 facility:3 timestamp:October 28th 2015, 12:59:55.000 facility_label:system severity_label:Error _id:AVCuiIyrawdnUFzhiRxl _type:logs _index:logstash-2015.10.28 _score: