This project contains a Vagrantfile
to provisioning a 3 nodes Kubernetes cluster using VirtualBox
and Ubuntu 16.04
You need the following installed to use this playground.
, version 2.2 or better.VirtualBox
, tested with Version 6.0- Internet access, this playground pulls Vagrant boxes from the Internet as well as installs Ubuntu application packages from the Internet.
- Tested on Windows 10 Build 17763, macOS Mojave 10.14.6
To bring up the cluster, clone this repository to a working directory.
git clone
Change into the working directory and vagrant up
cd k8s-playground
vagrant up
Vagrant will start three machines. Each machine will have a NAT-ed network
interface, through which it can access the Internet, and a private-network
interface in the subnet The private network is used for
intra-cluster communication.
The machines created are:
k8s-head | |
Cluster Master |
k8s-node-1 | |
Cluster Worker |
k8s-node-2 | |
Cluster Worker |
As the cluster brought up the cluster master (k8s-head) will perform a kubeadm init
and the cluster workers will perform a kubeadmin join
In order for kubectl
to find and access a Kubernetes cluster, it needs a kubeconfig
file, which is created by vagrant during master provisioning: admin.conf
Move and rename the file to the default location: %USERPROFILE%\.kube\config
Check that kubectl
is properly configured by getting the cluster state: kubectl cluster-info
#Create the cluster or start the cluster after a host reboot
vagrant up
#Execute provision in all the vagrant boxes
vagrant provision
#Execute provision in the Kubernetes node 1
vagrant provision k8s-node-1
#Open an ssh connection to the Kubernetes master
vagrant ssh k8s-head
#Open an ssh connection to the Kubernetes node 1
vagrant ssh k8s-node-1
#Open an ssh connection to the Kubernetes node 2
vagrant ssh k8s-node-2
#Stop all Vagrant machines (use vagrant up to start)
vagrant halt
#Destroy the cluster
vagrant destroy -f