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feat: added python deploy
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Filipe Forattini committed Aug 2, 2022
1 parent 5a2bbb4 commit d49e0dd
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 2 deletions.
153 changes: 151 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/svc.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -536,11 +536,160 @@ jobs:

# Deploy #
# Deploy JS #
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: ${{needs.Setup.outputs.Environment}}
if: needs.Setup.outputs.Language == 'javascript'

- Setup
- Build-Node


# pre-job
- name: Setup | Cloning repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
persist-credentials: false

- name: Setup | Cloning tools
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: main
path: .pipeline
repository: filipeforattini/ff-iac-github-actions

- name: Setup | Dependencies
uses: filipeforattini/ff-iac-github-actions/.github/actions/setup-binaries@main
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
docker-qmeu: true
docker-buildx: true
kubectl: true
ytt: true
yq: true

- name: Pipeline config scrapper
id: analysis
uses: filipeforattini/ff-iac-github-actions/.github/actions/config-scrapper@main

- name: Config | Version
id: versioning
run: |
NEXT_VERSION=$(git for-each-ref --sort=authordate --format '%(refname)' refs/tags | tail -n 1 | sed -n -e 's/^.*refs\/tags\/v//p')
echo "next version = $NEXT_VERSION"
echo "::set-output name=version::$NEXT_VERSION"
- name: Config | Kubectl config file
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.kube
echo "$KUBE_CONFIG" | base64 -d > ~/.kube/config
# dependencies
- name: Create k8s dependencies
uses: filipeforattini/ff-iac-github-actions/.github/actions/k8s-install-dependencies@main
writeSummary: true
kubeConfig: ${{secrets.KUBE_CONFIG}}
cloneTools: false

# configs
- name: K8s create config-map
if: steps.deploy_setup.outputs.feature_has_configs == 'true'
run: |
kubectl create configmap -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}} ${{steps.analysis.outputs.repository}} --from-env-file=${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_configs_file}} --dry-run=client --validate=false --output=yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create configmap -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}} ${{steps.analysis.outputs.repository}}-${{steps.versioning.outputs.version}} --from-env-file=${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_configs_file}} --dry-run=client --validate=false --output=yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get configmap -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}} ${{steps.analysis.outputs.repository}} -o jsonpath='{.data}' | jq -r 'keys[]' | tr '\n' '~' | sed 's/~/,/g;s/,$//' > ./manifests/k8s-configs-keys.txt
# secrets
- name: Decrypt DEV secrets
if: steps.analysis.outputs.feature_has_secrets == 'true'
run: |
gpg \
--yes --batch --quiet --decrypt \
--passphrase="${{ secrets.GPG_PASSPHRASE }}" \
--output ./manifests/k8s-secrets.env \
- name: K8s create secrets
if: steps.analysis.outputs.feature_has_secrets == 'true'
run: |
kubectl create secret generic -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}} ${{steps.analysis.outputs.repository}} --from-env-file=./manifests/k8s-secrets.env --dry-run=client --validate=false --output=yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create secret generic -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}} ${{steps.analysis.outputs.repository}}-${{steps.versioning.outputs.version}} --from-env-file=./manifests/k8s-secrets.env --dry-run=client --validate=false --output=yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get secret -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}} ${{steps.analysis.outputs.repository}} -o jsonpath='{.data}' | jq -r 'keys[]' | tr '\n' '~' | sed 's/~/,/g;s/,$//' > ./manifests/k8s-secrets-keys.txt
# secrets for registry auth
- name: Config | Login to Container Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v2
logout: false
registry: ${{ inputs.containerRegistry }}
username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

- name: Config | Gives runner access to docker config file
run: |
sudo chown $(whoami):docker /home/$(whoami)/.docker/config.json
cp /home/$(whoami)/.docker/config.json ./manifests/docker-config.json
- name: K8s create registry-token secret
run: kubectl create secret generic -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}} registry-token --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./manifests/docker-config.json --dry-run=client --validate=false --output=yaml | kubectl apply -f -

# generate k8s manifests
- name: K8s generates final yml
run: |
CONFIGS_LIST=$(if test -f ./manifests/k8s-configs-keys.txt; then cat ./manifests/k8s-configs-keys.txt; else echo ''; fi)
SECRETS_LIST=$(if test -f ./manifests/k8s-secrets-keys.txt; then cat ./manifests/k8s-secrets-keys.txt; else echo ''; fi)
DEPENDENCIES_LIST=$(if test -f ./manifests/k8s-dependencies.yml; then (cat ./manifests/k8s-dependencies.yml | yq -P '.dependencies'); else echo '' ; fi)
ytt \
-f ./.pipeline/deploy/as-k8s/service.schema.yml \
-f ./.pipeline/deploy/as-k8s/service \
-f ./manifests/k8s.yml \
--data-value ecosystem=${{steps.analysis.outputs.ecosystem}} \
--data-value organization=${{steps.analysis.outputs.organization}} \
--data-value repository=${{steps.analysis.outputs.repository}} \
--data-value containerRegistry=${{inputs.containerRegistry}} \
--data-value tag=${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_tag}} \
--data-value-yaml deployment.imagePullSecrets=true \
--data-value-yaml envFromSecrets="[$SECRETS_LIST]" \
--data-value-yaml envFromConfigMaps="[$CONFIGS_LIST]" \
--data-value-yaml envFromDependencies="[$DEPENDENCIES_LIST]" \
--data-value pipelineControl.datetime=${{steps.analysis.outputs.run_started_at}} \
--data-value-yaml pipelineControl.environmentsAsNamespaces=${{inputs.environmentsAsNamespaces}} \
> ./manifests/k8s-to-apply.yml
- name: Docs | K8s summary
run: |
CONFIGS_LIST=$(if test -f ./manifests/k8s-configs-keys.txt; then cat ./manifests/k8s-configs-keys.txt; else echo ''; fi)
SECRETS_LIST=$(if test -f ./manifests/k8s-secrets-keys.txt; then cat ./manifests/k8s-secrets-keys.txt; else echo ''; fi)
DEPENDENCIES_LIST=$(if test -f ./manifests/k8s-dependencies.yml; then (cat ./manifests/k8s-dependencies.yml | yq -P '.dependencies'); else echo ''; fi)
echo -e "### k8s\n\n" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo -e "| param | value |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo -e "| --- | :---: |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo -e "| secrets | $SECRETS_LIST |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo -e "| configs | $CONFIGS_LIST |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo -e "| dependencies | $DEPENDENCIES_LIST |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo -e "<details><summary>kubefile</summary>\n\n\`\`\`yml \n$(cat ./manifests/k8s-to-apply.yml)\n \`\`\`\n </details>\n\n" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: K8s apply yml
run: |
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/k8s-to-apply.yml
kubectl get pods -n ${{steps.analysis.outputs.deploy_namespace}}
# Deploy PY #
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: ${{needs.Setup.outputs.Environment}}
if: needs.Setup.outputs.Language == 'python'

- Setup
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