- Syntax highlighting for the major languages
- Synchronization with web sockets
- Folder structure support
- API for content download and upload
Edit the docker-compose.yml to use the port of your choice. Default is 80
Then run
docker-compose up --build
Edit backend/src/main.ts and set the static folder to frontend/dist
Edit backend/src/main.ts and set the host and port of your redis
Then run
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn run build
cd ..
cd backend
yarn install
yarn run prod
You can have any folder structure you want
There is no distinction of what is a folder and what is a file
Use like this
If you want to get a plain text you can pass a query string text if you pass header 'accept: application/json' you get a json response, otherwise you get a plain text
curl -X GET \
www.your-dontcode-url.com/anything?text \
-H 'accept: application/json'
You can get the files tree by passing the query files if you pass header 'accept: application/json' you get a json response, otherwise you get a plain text
curl -X GET \
www.your-dontcode-url.com/anything?files \
-H 'accept: application/json'
You can set the text by a post request
curl -X POST \
www.your-dontcode-url.com/anything \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"text": "your text here",
"mode": "optional field with the language for syntax highlighting"
If you found a bug plese submit here or send me an email.