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garnesian authored Feb 13, 2022
1 parent 6367e2e commit 1a27b7e
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Showing 6 changed files with 54,479 additions and 0 deletions.
338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions Ibu Kota Baru.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
##contoh script dasar untuk scraping data twitter

#simpan file di directory yang sudah ditentukan

#install semua packages yang dibutuhkan

#load semua packages yang dibutuhkan

library(readr) # to read and write files
library(tidytext) # text mining
library(dplyr) # data reshaping & restructuring
library(stringr) # to manipulate string variables
library(forcats) # for factors
library(tidyr) # to tidy data
library(reshape2) # reshape data
library(textdata) # to get sentiment libraries

#mendaftarkan akun twitter dev

create_token(app = "ibu_kota_baru",
consumer_key = "xE6nVqMmGQSlhiOlm0Fs9oZYa",
consumer_secret = "p8OtfqsOsQdf8Sb29OZgK7draJBUl6CRJCnF9lPsel43lByo47",
access_token = "236702993-bBzXtpXRqi3LqeqfnncIJ4gyr5mIhPme2hEWqkjv",
access_secret = "te9INa1dV6ZcIuUSnwsW2M8RRfSbtfnrsa5zUqdudBz1K")

#jika sudah, maka kita sudah bisa menggunakan package rtweet

##menggunakan keywords atau hastags:

ibukotabaru <- search_tweets("ibu kota baru", n = 18000 , retryonratelimit = TRUE, lang = "id")

#jika tidak ingin mengikutsertakan data retweet, maka perlu ditambahkan perintah: include_rts = FALSE

ibukotabaru <- search_tweets("#ibukotabaru" , n = 18000 , include_rts = FALSE, retryonratelimit = TRUE, lang = "id")

#jika dataset yang kita minta lebih dari 18,000, twitter akan memberikan jeda 15menit

#jangan lupa simpan file yang sudah selesai kita download ke dalam format .csv

save_as_csv(ibukotabaru, file_name = "IbuKotaBaru.csv", prepend_ids = TRUE, na = "",
fileEncoding = "UTF-8")

# buka file nya
ibukotabaru <- read_csv("IbuKotaBaru.csv")

# filter isi tweet saja
ibukota_filter <- IbuKotaBaru %>%

##cleaning text

ibukota_filter %>%
select(text) %>%
mutate(text = gsub(pattern = "http\\S+",
replacement = "",
x = text)) %>%
mutate(text = gsub(pattern = "#",
replacement = "",
x = text)) %>%
mutate(text = gsub(pattern = "\\d+",
replacement = "",
x = text)) %>%
mutate(text = gsub(pattern = "@",
replacement = "",
x = text)) %>%
plain_tweets() -> ibukota_filter

#simpan file teks ke dalam format .txt untuk keperluan 'analisis teks' (optional)

write.table(ibukota_filter, file = "text_cleaned.txt", sep = "\t",
row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)

# buka file Stopwords untuk membersihkan kata hubung

stopwords <- read_csv("stopwords-id.txt",
col_names = "stopwords")

# membuat 'token' dan menghapus stopwords (pastikan anda punya file list stopwords di direktori yang sama)

ibukota_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = text, output = token) %>%
count(token, sort = T)

# visualisasinya

ibukota_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = text, output = token) %>%
anti_join(stopwords, by = c("token" = "stopwords")) %>%
count(token, sort = T) %>%
wordcloud2(size = 0.5)

ibukota_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = text, output = token) %>%
count(token, sort = T) %>%
top_n(100) %>%
mutate(token = reorder(token, n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = token, y = n)) +
geom_col(fill="black") +
xlab(NULL) +
coord_flip() +
labs(y = "Count",
x = "Unique words",
title = "Kata Yang Paling Banyak Muncul Di Tweet",
subtitle = "Setelah Stop Words Dihilangkan")

# simpan wordcount untuk visualisasi manual
visual <- ibukota_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = text, output = token) %>%
count(token, sort = T) %>%

save_as_csv(visual, file_name = "wordcloud.csv", prepend_ids = TRUE, na = "",
fileEncoding = "UTF-8")

# Bersihkan whitespace

ibukota_filter %>%
mutate(text=str_trim(text, side = "both"))

# tambahkan row number

ibukota_filter$row_num <-

# generate ngram

text_sentiment <- ibukota_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text, token = "ngrams", n = 1)

# Buka file sentimen (pastikan file sentimen sudah ada di direktori yang sama)

# Gabungkan file text_sentiment dengan sentiment_value

text_sentiment_2 <- text_sentiment %>%
inner_join(Sentiment_Value) %>%

# sum up all the sentiment values for each comment

text_sentiment_3 <- text_sentiment_2 %>%
group_by(row_num) %>%
summarise(sentiment = sum(Polarity))

# collapse back all together by row_number

sentiment_all <- text_sentiment_3 %>%
full_join(ibukota_filter, by="row_num") %>%

# simpan file

save_as_csv(sentiment_all, file_name = "Analisis_sentimen.csv", prepend_ids = TRUE, na = "",
fileEncoding = "UTF-8")

# Getting Youtube Comments

# load the required packages

# store the name of your Client ID in app_name variable
app_id <- ""

# store the Client secret in the app_secret variable
app_secret <- "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"

# authorize your app
yt_oauth(app_id, app_secret, token = "")

# Get omments under the video Mata Najwa Menelusuri Ibu Kota Baru (7 video)
video_1 <- get_all_comments(video_id = "qfziz8HK6BY")

video_2 <- get_all_comments(video_id = "7Vip6uYAt54")

video_3 <- get_all_comments(video_id = "fWA9JcRFL2Q")

video_4 <- get_all_comments(video_id = "PquDlm7IKbI")

video_5 <- get_all_comments(video_id = "0brQRGsRZNo")

video_6 <- get_all_comments(video_id = "i9VY9n9HApU")

video_7 <- get_all_comments(video_id = "8f8K5_aIyHg")

# Satukan semua comment dalam satu dataset

All_rows <- merge(video_6, video_7, all=TRUE)

All_rows <- merge(video_5, All_rows, all=TRUE)

All_rows <- merge(video_4, All_rows, all=TRUE)

All_rows <- merge(video_3, All_rows, all=TRUE)

All_rows <- merge(video_2, All_rows, all=TRUE)

All_rows <- merge(video_1, All_rows, all=TRUE)

# simpan dataset utama

write.csv(All_rows, "Mata Najwa Comments.csv")

# filter isi comment saja

rows_filter <- All_rows %>%

##cleaning text

rows_filter %>%
select(textOriginal) %>%
mutate(textOriginal = gsub(pattern = "http\\S+",
replacement = "",
x = textOriginal)) %>%
mutate(textOriginal = gsub(pattern = "#",
replacement = "",
x = textOriginal)) %>%
mutate(textOriginal = gsub(pattern = "\\d+",
replacement = "",
x = textOriginal)) %>%
mutate(textOriginal = gsub(pattern = "@",
replacement = "",
x = textOriginal))

#simpan file teks ke dalam format .txt untuk keperluan 'analisis teks' (optional)

write.table(rows_filter, file = "text_cleaned_youtube.txt", sep = "\t",
row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)

# buka file Stopwords untuk membersihkan kata hubung

stopwords <- read_csv("stopwords-id.txt",
col_names = "stopwords")

# membuat 'token' dan menghapus stopwords (pastikan anda punya file list stopwords di direktori yang sama)

rows_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = textOriginal, output = token) %>%
count(token, sort = T)

# visualisasinya

rows_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = textOriginal, output = token) %>%
anti_join(stopwords, by = c("token" = "stopwords")) %>%
count(token, sort = T) %>%
wordcloud2(size = 0.5)

rows_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = textOriginal, output = token) %>%
count(token, sort = T) %>%
top_n(100) %>%
mutate(token = reorder(token, n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = token, y = n)) +
geom_col(fill="black") +
xlab(NULL) +
coord_flip() +
labs(y = "Count",
x = "Unique words",
title = "Kata Yang Paling Banyak Muncul Di Comment",
subtitle = "Setelah Stop Words Dihilangkan")

# simpan wordcount untuk visualisasi manual

visual <- rows_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(input = textOriginal, output = token) %>%
count(token, sort = T) %>%

write.csv(visual, "wordcloud_youtube.csv")

# Bersihkan whitespace

rows_filter %>%
mutate(text=str_trim(textOriginal, side = "both"))

# tambahkan row number

rows_filter$row_num <-

# generate ngram

youtube_sentiment <- rows_filter %>%
unnest_tokens(word, textOriginal, token = "ngrams", n = 1)

# Buka file sentimen (pastikan file sentimen sudah ada di direktori yang sama)

# Gabungkan file text_sentiment dengan sentiment_value

youtube_sentiment_2 <- youtube_sentiment %>%
inner_join(Sentiment_Value) %>%

# sum up all the sentiment values for each comment

youtube_sentiment_3 <- youtube_sentiment_2 %>%
group_by(row_num) %>%
summarise(sentiment = sum(Polarity))

# collapse back all together by row_number

all_sentiment <- youtube_sentiment_3 %>%
full_join(rows_filter, by="row_num") %>%

# simpan file

write.csv(all_sentiment, "sentimen_youtube.csv")

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