A Web based inspector for Svelto ECS library to visualize groups, entities and engines.
You must include this in all of your assemblies where you have Engines defined: https://www.nuget.org/packages/AkroGame.ECS.Analyzer And this contains the inspector serving code itself: https://www.nuget.org/packages/AkroGame.ECS.Websocket
You're going to need a websocket SERVER implementation for Unity. Recommended: https://github.com/James-Frowen/SimpleWebTransport With the following wrapper to tie it to the Inspector:
using AkroGame.ECS.Websocket;
using System;
using JamesFrowen.SimpleWeb;
public class WebSocketWrapper: IWebSocket
private readonly SimpleWebServer server;
public WebSocketWrapper()
var tcpConfig = new TcpConfig(true, 5000, 5000);
server = new SimpleWebServer(5000, tcpConfig, 32000, 5000, default);
// listen for events
server.onDisconnect += (id) => { OnClose?.Invoke(id); };
server.onData += (id, data) => { OnData?.Invoke(new Envelope<int, ArraySegment<byte>>(id, data)); };
// start server listening on port 9300
public event Action<Envelope<int, ArraySegment<byte>>> OnData;
public event Action<int> OnClose;
public void Send(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> source)
server.SendOne(connectionId, source);
/// <summary>
/// Call this from Unity Main Thread!
/// </summary>
public void Update()
If you are using the above WebSocket implementation you must call the Update from Unity Main Thread.
Next create the inspector service
IWebSocket ws = new WebSocketWrapper();
InspectorService inspector = InspectorService(ws, enginesRoot);
You MUST call inspector.Update(deltaTime);
note: deltaTime is a TimeSpan! from your main loop (so Unity main thread / any step engine / whatever you use to tick your engines with)
Open the UI and enjoy: https://akrogame.github.io/svelto-ecs-inspector/ note: the UI uses port 9300 so if you changed the port you must edit the port in the top left.
Please make sure you have yarn
and node v17
installed on your machine.
Run yarn install
in the /inspector
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open [http://localhost:3000/svelto-ecs-inspector] to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.