Warning - This can/will allow you to warp to portals that you have not unlocked. Please use at your own risk and do not blame me if you get banned. This add-on is meant to remove the menu-lag interaction and add macro-ability to Escha zone portal usage in a similar fashion to HomePoint addon. Much like this warning text.
This LUA is used to warp to any Escha zone portal within FFXI. Simply type //ew #, where # is a portal in either Escha Zi'tah, Escha Ru'an, or Reisenjima.
Example: //ew z - will zone in to an Escha zone from Misareaux Coast, Qufim Island, or from the 3 telepoint entries for Zi'tah //ew 6 - will warp to either Eschan Portal 6 if in Zi'tah or Ru'an, or Ethereal Ingress 6 if in Reisenjima
You must be within 6 yalms of an Eschan Portal or Etheral Ingress to use this.
//ew reset will attempt a menu reset, but this is untested.