This is a simple chat application built with create-react-app.
It leverages the API from from doodle. The API must be used along with a token. And the token is provided by doodle.
This is a cra application which uses Material UI for some of the base UI components. Zustand is used for state management.
Modify the appConstants file constants to suite your config.
First, run the development server:
npm run start
Click app to have a preview.
Design file is design.dio, and can be viewed with
API response should return latest entries first(Stack DS), and the API should support pagination. Also, if the API supports websockets, we could use that to get the latest messages without having to pull from the API.
- Automatic scrolling to the bottom of the chat
- Properly styled error messages :)
- Create a UI for setting the author, starting-timestamp, and token