- Must be every 24 hours (doesn't have to be midnight of current timezone)
- Must be posted on a public forum before the time is up (currently 2 pomosessions)
- Must be new project (can reuse any code from previous projects)
- Must be a visual interface (but can be static or an animated)
- Must be a self-contained idea (can build on previous, but should be distinct)
- not loving Glitch yet
- HelperLabels from Hexis
- Export / Screen recording
- Akira (fonts)
- Felix Color Palette v2 (Improved Light/Dark)
- consider integrating systemColors:
- primary, secondary...
- labelColor, secondaryLabelColor, tertiaryLabelColor, and quaternaryLabelColor (labelColor offers most contrast, quarternary least)
- consider integrating systemColors:
- extrapolate best patterns to snippets
- comb through old projects to keep this MegaProject up to date
- All the doorway interfaces
- Frosted glass hexagonal stuff
- Growable UI: like something that evolves over time
- Cyclical UI: day/night, week, seasons
- Text, Date, Time, Number, Sliders, lots of mini-games for data entry
- Dragging the number to adjust from 0.0 to 1.0
- Brutalist
- Glitch
- Neumorphic
- Geometric
- Glassmorphic
- Cyberpunk
- Minimal
- Art Deco
Hard to describe:
- add VisualEffectBlur #iOS
- converted project to my own version of Atomic Design: Principles → Elements → Componets → Views
- split out Collection helpers
- VisualEffectBlur #macOS (with cycling of materials, blendModes, states)
- use AppDelegate to get clear window
- added GlitchButtonStyle
- add BrutalistButtonStyle, SmartOverlay
- added Colors, Hexagons, DateTime, MouseMove, Nifty funcs