This repository contains the full code examples that were presented on Kotlin Lisboa #3, for the "Testing with Kotlin - Practices and practices from the trenches".
Although these examples don't contain a fully working application, the main focus is to showcase several interesting usages of Kotlin for testing purposes.
The code is structured in the standard maven/gradle folder structure, so hopefully there will be no surpises there.
The presentation itself is located in the docs folder
- Open a terminal on this project's root
- Type: ./gradlew test
- Open the /build/reports/tests/test/index.html report to view the test results on the browser
- Just import the project :)
- Run the tests individually or through the gradle task
- Do yourself a favour and use Intellij
- Install ktlint (
- Integrate ktlint with intellij, so that the IDE's code formatting is compliant with the linter: ktlint --apply-to-idea-project