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felHR85 committed Nov 26, 2014
1 parent bc520b3 commit 338db7e
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 1 deletion.
112 changes: 111 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,114 @@

A python wrapper over WinUsb library
WinUsbPy is a python wrapper over [WinUsblibrary](

It contains two different layers:

- A 1:1 wrapper over WinUsb which allows calling C++ functions directly from involved dlls.
- A high level api which simplifies a lot of C++/windll/ctypes messy interactions offering just a bunch of easy methods.

Install WinUsbPy
python install

Low Level Api
Low level api offers three methods for invoking functions from three different dlls.

#args: arguments of the C++ function called
def exec_function_winusb(self, function_name, *args)
def exec_function_kernel32(self, function_name, *args)
def exec_function_setupapi(self, function_name, *args)

if we need to call [SetupDiGetClassDevs]( which presents this prototype:

HDEVINFO SetupDiGetClassDevs(_In_opt_ const GUID *ClassGuid,_In_opt_ PCTSTR Enumerator,_In_opt_ HWND hwndParent,_In_ DWORD Flags);

from winusbpy import *
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
api = WinUSBApi()
byte_array = c_byte * 8
guid = GUID(0xA5DCBF10L, 0x6530, 0x11D2, byte_array(0x90, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x4F, 0xB9, 0x51, 0xED))
hdev_info = api.exec_function_setupapi("SetupDiGetClassDevs", byref(guid), None, None, flags)

[Good resources of WinUsb if you develop using this low level layer](

High Level Api
Built on top of the low level wrapper is a more usable api to perform common USB operations. Here it is list of defined functions:

# Possible keyword arguments: default, present, allclasses, profile, deviceinterface (Boolean), Usually called as follows list_usb_devices(deviceinterface=True, present=True)
def list_usb_devices(self, **kwargs)
# vid and pid must be str, returns True if device was correctly initialized and False otherwise
def init_winusb_device(self, vid, pid)
# Returns True if device was correctly closed and False otherwise.
def close_winusb_device(self)
# Returns last error code. See
def get_last_error_code(self)
# Returns information for a open device (0x03:High Speed, 0x01:full-speed or lower), query=1 in order to get USB speed.
def query_device_info(self, query=1)
# Returns a UsbInterfaceDescriptor object with information about a specified interface
def query_interface_settings(self, index)
# Change current interface, Winusb opens first interface (0 index) when a device is initialized
def change_interface(self, index)
# Returns a PipeInfo object with information of a specified pipe within current interface
def query_pipe(self, pipe_index)
# Send a control requesto to open device, setup_packet is a UsbSetupPacket object.
# buff = None implies no data is going to be transferred besides setup packet
# buff = [0] create a buffer of length 1. Buffer could be IN or OUT, direction is defined in setup packet
def control_transfer(self, setup_packet, buff=None)
#Send Bulk data to the Usb device, write_buffer must be a str buffer
def write(self, pipe_id, write_buffer)
#Read Bulk data from the Usb device, Returns of a buffer not greater than length_buffer length
def read(self, pipe_id, length_buffer)

Let's say hello to our device:

from winusbpy import *
vid = "vid_device" # for example: VID:067b PID:2303
pid = "pid_device"
api = WinUsbPy()
result = api.list_usb_devices(deviceinterface=True, present=True)
if result:
if api.init_winusb_device(pl2303_vid, pl2303_pid):
api.write(0x02, hello)

Real examples
In "Examples" folder there are two real examples configuring a PL2303 serial usb device, listing characteristics and sending data.
[Using Low Level Api](

[Using High Level Api](

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