Releases: feilipu/avrfreertos
Release 10.5.1
This is a recent release.
See the History.txt to find out what's changed.
Initial v10.3.0 Release
Little change except to FreeRTOS Kernel (which has been updated, but only superficially).
Everything should still just work.
Initial v10.0.0 Release
Initial release of the FreeRTOS v10.0.0 code train.
The new licencing is MIT, as Richard Berry has joined Amazon Web Services.
This is backwards compatible with v9.x.x. The only significant difference is the addition of static memory allocation options, avoiding the need to have a malloc() function.
FreeRTOS kernel v10 includes two major new features: stream buffers and message buffers. These are task (thread)-to-task and interrupt-to-task communication primitives, but, unlike other FreeRTOS communications primitives, they are optimized for single reader/single writer scenarios, such as passing data from an interrupt service routine to a task, or (increasingly important these days) from one microcontroller core to another. Stream buffers pass a continuous stream of bytes, whereas message buffers pass variable-sized but discrete messages.
Final 8.2.3 Release
Final Release in the FreeRTOS 8.x.x train.
Next move to FreeRTOS 9.x.x, following the first mainline point release.