Now available at account @Covid_Info_19_Bot.
NB: the bot is hosted on Heroku with a free plan. The dyno has a limitation, based on active hours.
This bot will show all the information about COVID-19. Built with Dart and teledart library.
Current todo:
- adding more commands
I made a simple and brief tutorial on Medium: how to create bot with Dart and TeleDart package and deploy on Heroku
- /today_per_country - show data per country on current day
- /today_global - show global data on current day
- /stats_period - show data filtered by period (week, month)
- /supported_countries - get all available countries supported by the bot
- /search_supported_country - search if the input country is supported
- /help - show all available commands
- /up - check if bot is running, replying with a simple message
Steps to deploy the bot in local environment:
- Create a new bot using BotFather on Telegram
- Change into assets/environment.json the api-key
- Run locally and send the command into the input field
- covid19api, a free API for data on the Coronavirus. Data is sourced from Johns Hopkins CSSE.