log-iss offers a logplex HTTP input-compatible endpoint and forwards received logs to a TCP port, where syslog-ng or similar might be listening.
An example submitter to log-iss is log-shuttle.
Log delivery is synchronous, with a five second timeout. If log-iss is unable to
write POST
ed messages to the backend TCP connection within the timeout it will
respond with status 504.
Upon receiving SIGTERM
log-iss will stop ingesting logs, respond to
all POST
s with status 503, wait for pending deliveries (subject to the five
second timeout) to drain, then exit.
log-iss will use four persistent connections per process to the destination
configured in FORWARD_DEST
log-iss uses the X-Request-ID
header, such as supported by the
Heroku router, in its logging
to group operations by request.
log-iss emits metrics using the l2met convention.
log-iss is configured via the environment.
: A label naming this instance of log-iss. Used as thesource
value for l2met-compatible log lines.PORT
: TCP port number to make the endpoint available on. GivenPORT=5000
, the endpoint will be athttp://<host>:5000/logs
: TCP host and port to forward received logs to. Example:FORWARD_DEST=
: Time in seconds to wait for a connection toFORWARD_DEST
, default is10
: A,
-separated list of usernames and tokens to accept. Example:TOKEN_MAP=dan:logthis,system:islogging
: If set to1
, respond with 400 to anyPOST
s where theX-Forwarded-Proto
request header is nothttps
. Note this setting affects receiving logs, not sending logs. To enable TLS for sending logs, setPEMFILE
: Location of a .pem bundle to use for sending logs via TLS. If unset, TLS is not used
Assumes working Go installation with
in $PATH
as well as something listening at port 5001 (could be
nc -l -k 5001
for very simple testing).
$ go get github.com/heroku/log-iss
$ DEPLOY=local PORT=5000 FORWARD_DEST=localhost:5001 TOKEN_MAP=test:token log-iss
# in another shell
$ echo "64 <13>1 2013-06-07T13:17:49.468822+00:00 host heroku web.7 - - hi" | curl -v -u test:token -H "Content-Type: application/logplex-1" --data-binary @/dev/stdin http://localhost:5000/logs
Note: This is here for historical purposes. log-iss runs as a kernel app in ops-staging and ops cloud. It's deployed using deploymaster.
$ DEPLOY=`whoami`
$ heroku create log-iss-$DEPLOY -r $DEPLOY --buildpack https://codon-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com/buildpacks/kr/go.tgz
$ heroku config:set -r $DEPLOY DEPLOY=$DEPLOY ENFORCE_SSL=1 FORWARD_DEST=my-syslog-host.com:601 TOKEN_MAP=syslog:$(openssl rand -hex 20)
$ heroku labs:enable -r $DEPLOY http-request-id
$ heroku labs:enable -r $DEPLOY log-runtime-metrics
# optional but ideal
$ heroku drains:add -r $DEPLOY https://l2met.com/...
$ git push $DEPLOY master
$ echo "64 <13>1 2013-06-07T13:17:49.468822+00:00 host heroku web.7 - - hi" | curl -v -u syslog:<generated token> -H "Content-Type: application/logplex-1" --data-binary @/dev/stdin https://log-iss-$DEPLOY.herokuapp.com/logs
cloud ops-staging
ic ssh deploymaster
su deploymaster
bin/ship -y -a log-iss -b $branch -u $user -i splunk-indexer #log-iss runs on the indexers
We process 3-4million requests per minute on ~110 instances of log-iss at the time of this writing. Those are behind an elb behind logs.herokai.com. When we deploy we need to use a staggered strategy so that we don't take more than a few % of the servers out at a time due to the high traffic demand. We also need to verify the deployment on a small % before rolling to the whole fleet to ensure as minimal amount of data loss as possible in the event of a failure.
- Find 5% of servers available
total=$(ic list splunk-indexer | sed -e '1,2d' | cut -d" " -f 2,3 | wc -l)
numServers=`echo $(((total * .05))) | awk '{print int($0)}'` #copy value for 5% of servers
# copy the server ids below
ic list splunk-indexer | sed -e '1,2d' | head -n $numServers | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=",";} {print $2;}' | sed 's/,$//'
- Deploy to 5% of the fleet
cloud ops
ic ssh deploymaster
su deploymaster
bin/ship -y -a log-iss -b $branch -u $user -i <paste ids> -n 5 #log-iss runs on the indexers
- Deploy to the remainder of the fleet 5 at a time, pausing 30s in between to allow time for restarts
cloud ops
ic ssh deploymaster
su deploymaster
bin/ship -y -a log-iss -b $branch -u $user -i splunk-indexer -d 20 -n 5 #log-iss runs on the indexers