Application built with ReactJs, Redux, Redux Saga, Styled Components and Restful API with JSON Server.
- ReactJs - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React Icons - Utilizes ES6 imports that allows you to include only the icons that your project is using.
- React Router Dom - DOM bindings.
- React Redux - State container for JavaScript applications.
- React Redux Saga - Library that aims to make application side effects.
- React Toastify - React notification.
- React Reactotron - A development tool to explore, inspect, and diagnosis your React DOM/JS apps.
- Styled Components - ES6 and CSS to styled components.
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and NodeJs.
- Immer - Immutability the easy way.
- JSON Server - Fake REST API.
To run this project in the development mode, you'll need to have a basic environment with NodeJs and Yarn installed.
git clone
Run to install the dependencies:
To start the project:
yarn start
To start the JSON Server:
yarn dev:server
yarn json-server server.json -p 3333 -w
In this project I used the emoji guide for commit messages.
Commit Message Format inspired by Gitmoji.
Feel free to send me feedback on LinkedIn or file an issue. Feature requests are always welcome.