asha, which stands for “anti sexual-harassment”, is an Android-based mobile application that uses Google's firebase technology that focuses on sexual education, prevention and handling of cases of sexual violence in accordance with SDGS points 4 and 5.
- Emergency call button feature to contact the user's trusted contact.
- Emergency camera feature to record evidence of the incident.
- Writeups feature provides sexual education articles.
- Confabs feature to consult with experts in certain fields.
Frontend : XML
Backend : Firebase
Programming Language : Kotlin
Tools : Android Studio
Google Technology :
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Firebase Storage
- Import project repository on Android Studio
- Sync Gradle
- Build and run the app
- Evan Laksana Wira Pratama (Hacker)
- Fa’iq Arya Dewangga (Hacker)
- Khansa Salsabila Sangdiva Laksono (Hustler)
- Jasmine Assyifania (Hipster)