This package provide calculation of datamining Algorithm, Current Algorithm that can be used is KMeans, C45 on working.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require fanboykun/datamining
Use the class
use Fanboykun\Datamining\Datamining
example of the data go give
$points = Study::all()->map(function ($study, $k) {
return [
'key' => $study->student_id,
'val' => [
use one of the available method, init the custructor
// example, we use KMeans, init with desired space (data example above)
$space = (new Datamining)->initKMeans(8)
add all point into space
// give the array of the data as the point to insert into space as the first parameter
// give the key of the points(data to calculate) as the second parameter
// give to value of the data to calculate as the third parameter
$space->addAllPointToSpace($points, 'key', 'val');
execute the calulation
// the required arguments are :
// the number of the cluster you want to set
// int $numberOfCluster
// the initialization method (set to 3 for set the first centroid manually)
// $initMethod = 1
// give the index of the array of the points you want set as the first centroid
// $selectedPoints = []
$dataset = $space->solveWithIterationCallback(2, 3, [0,1]);
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