Build full-stack apps on your own infrastructure.
Settings for classes backed by a database with defaults.
Like ActiveModel::Attributes but less fluffy and more attribute-y
Valuable Learning Materials on Blockchain Dev (including Fabric and Ethereum), python imlementation of blockchain_go, AI, deep learning, as well as CN version of "The Way to Go"
A POC of MATRIX in the form of go-style chain implementation based on the Ethereum protocol
This is a POC release (Python Version) for Election Algorithm of Consensus Mechanism, with AI function
questions from Matrix community and answers from Matrix experts
Convert between BTC, mBTC, μBTC and satoshi in your Javascript application
GraphQL wrapper for the PUBG API (deprecated)
Source for Unitus - a merged mined, multi-algorithm crypto-currency.
Meteor Javascript backend to sync with delivery orders placed on drupal based web app.
React client portion of fuel distribution system. Allows login, delivery selection, capture of fuel type and volume delivered to which client and tank no. Takes signatures and produces online proof…
Absolutely ALL information about EVERY blockchain project in a comparison tool that ANYONE can understand. Administered by @gazhayes
ERC223 token standard reference implementation.
Open Source book on Open Source Tips
Dashboard for your Deployment pipeline
Samples for "Become a super user with IntelliJ" talk
Self Initializing Fake library for the JVM (inspired by
AkhamJS Example React App