Andela Pre-Bootcamp "Developer Challenge"
- User signup and signin pages.
- A page where an authenticated user can add a new event.
- A page, section or view where an authenticated user can
- Modify the event he/she added
- Delete the event he/she added
- A page where an admin can add a new center
- A page, section or view where an admin can modify the details of a center
- A page showing the details of a center and the events slated for that center
- Create an event
- Modify an event
- Delete an event
- Add a new center
- Modify the details of a center
- Get all the centers
- Get the details of a center
- Create user accounts that can signin/signout from the app. (Using token based authentication with JSON Web Tokens)
- Apply necessary security to privileged API endpoints using JSON Web Tokens
- Users would receive mail notification when the admin cancels his or her event.
- Users would be able to search for centers using Name and location.
- Users would be able to filter search based on facilities e.g projector, number of chairs etc.
- Users would be able to see the dates booked
Given you manage an events center, this app will help you accept applications to use your center / facilities, and will either decline events when the proposed day is already taken, or suggest an available day.
How to setup the project/Installation/Configuration
How to run tests
npm install
npm run start:dev
Fakunle Mayowa Samuel - Andela Developer Challenge