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Permacoop is an open source and eco design ERP solution reserved for worker-owned business.

GitHub Workflow Status codecov Scrutinizer Code Quality Codacy Badge GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub license

Technical stack


You must have PostgreSQL installed, or Docker and Docker Compose to run PostgreSQL using the provided docker-compose.yml.

Ensure you have Node.js 16.x and node-gyp installed globally (npm install -g node-gyp).


First, install dependencies:

make install

Then start the servers, database and other services:

make start

In a separate terminal, run database migrations:

make database-migrate

Then, you can seed the database with fake data

make database-seed

This command will create the default user "John Doe" :

  "email": "",
  "password": "john"

The server will be available at http://localhost:3000.


To view all available commands, run:

make help

Building and serving

To serve the built server and client locally, run:

make build
make start-dist


To run tests, use:

make test

Run E2E tests using:

make test-e2e

Code quality

To run automatic code formatting, run:

make format

To run linters and code checks, use:

make linter

Database migrations

To generate a migration from the current state of the code, run:

make database-migration NAME=add_some_column


  • Tasks management
  • Projects management
  • Customers management
  • Calendar (timesheets etc.)
  • Human Resources
    • Meal tickets
    • Leaves
    • Cooperators / employee


Created by Fairness
