Welcome, we're are team "Team Engenius, and this Readme contains details about our project. We‘ve built a cloned website of IdeaKart.com with some of its basic functionalities. This overall project was a part of our construct week at Masai School.
Ideakart is a site that gives an idea and a platform for the book you want. This site offer a huge collection of books in diverse categories.
The site has a user friendly search engine and a quick delivery system. We got this site as our construct week project. we tried to build similar webpages along with the same features and functionality.
- db.json for books data and user details and products added by users
- React
- React-router-dom
- Axios
- Redux
- Redux-thunk
- chakra-Ui
Server: Json-server
- Note :- for showing data need to run command "npm run json-server"
- Muhammed Fahiz
- Sathan Kumar
- Md Zubair
- Shubham Rakhonde
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at fahisayub@gmail.com, mdzubair5999a@gmail.com, sathankothandam@gmail.com or shubhamrakhonde507@gmail.com