FaunAr shows information about argentinian wildlife through a NodeJS website and a React Native app.
- Clone the repo using the command
git clone https://github.com/facundoMunoz/faunar.git
- Open a Terminal/CMD in /faunar/mobile-app/faunar and use the following command:
npm i
Replace YourIP with hosts IPv4 in the folowing directories:
- /faunar/web/app.js
const ip = 'YourIP';
- /faunar/mobile-app/faunar/app/Constants/constants.js
const IP = 'YourIP';
- In /faunar/web start the NodeJS server:
node app.js
- Using any browser go to IP:3000 replacing IP with the hosts IPv4
- With the NodeJS server running, go to /faunar/mobile-app/faunar and start the app:
npm start
- Open Expo and scan the QR code.