- version 0.8
- making machine learning easy for everyone
- written with ♥ by Fabio Celli,
- email: fabio.celli.phd@gmail.com
- twitter: @facells
- tested in Google colab
- License: MIT (Commercial use, Modification, Distribution, Private use are permitted, Liability is yours, No software warranty)
- Conditions: Report the following license and copyright notice with code.
"Copyright (c) 2021 Fabio Celli. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE."
- we want to make machine learning accesible and easy to use for everyone.
- We want a system that is self-contained (one file), portable, 100% written in Python.
- data.csv must be a comma-separated file (,)
- the target column can be named 'class' in the .csv file or defined with -d.c= option
- the text column can be named 'text' in the .csv file or defined with -d.s= option
- data.zip must contain .png or .jpg files. the files names must be comma-separated. example: imgID,class,.jpg
- to train a model: %run learnipy.py 'options' traindata [testdata], for example
%run learnipy.py '-d.t=c -x.tm=700 -d.viz -s.nn=f' traindata.csv
- 'options' is a string containing the operations, defined at paragraph 4.
- yourdata.csv can be a .csv for tabular and text data or .zip for pictures.
- [testdata] is optional, if given is used as a test set, if not the training set is split
- to make predictions on new data: %run learnipy.py '-d.pred' model testdata, for example
%run learnipy.py '-d.pred' model.h5 testdata.csv
- models can have .h5 (deep learning) or .h4 (machine learning) extension
- try it on https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1DfDp2VFaTTMz_B6uLrOdWKQkrer32S9M?usp=sharing
- -d.t=c|r define type of task. c=classification, r=regression
- -d.x=n,m,o define the columns to exclude. n,m,o=names of columns to exclude
- -d.k=n,m,o define the columns to keep. n,m,o=names of columns to keep
- -d.s=n *define the string column treated as text. n=name of text column
- -d.c=n define the column of the target class. n=name (for .csv) or index (for .zip) of class column
- -d.r=0 do not use feature reduction, keep original features (not applicable with -d.save)
- -d.f=c_v filter. keep only rows of column c with value v
- -d.b=0.5 *resample rows. if value <1 subsamples % of rows without duplicates. if >1 bootstrapping with duplication *
- -d.m=1 fill class missing values. 1=replace all missing values in class with mean/mode (otherwise are deleted by default)
- -d.g=c_a|s group rows by column c (must be nominal). keeps only numeric columns aggregated as a=average or s=sum
- -d.viz print pca-projected 2d data scatterplot and other visualizations
- -d.md model details. prints info on algorithm parameters and data modeling
- -d.fdst print info on feature distribution
- -d.data show preview of processed data
- -d.save save model as .h4 (machine learning) or .h5 (deep learning) file
- -d.pred use model to make predictions on new data
- -d.export=f export processed data in csv. f=filename.csv
- -g.d=132 generate dataset, create gen.csv. 1=num instances x1000, 3=num features x10, 2=num informative features x10
- -p.ir instance position randomization, applies to the training set
- -p.cn class normalize. turn numeric class to range 0-1
- -p.fn feature normalize, turn features to range 0-1 (applied by default with some nn, sgd and nb)
- -p.tl text to lowercase
- -p.tc text cleaning. removes non alphanum char and multiple spaces
- -p.trs text regex stopwords. removes words from length 1 to length 3
- -p.tsw=a,b text stopwords. removes stopwords, a,b=stopwords list, no spaces allowed.
- -r.svd=5 singular value decomposition. turn sparse label matrix to dense and sync. 5=number of features
- -r.lsa=5 latent semantic analysis. turn sparse word/char matrix to dense and sync. 5=number of features
- -x.ng=23cf4 ngrams. turn text ngrams matrix and apply lsa. 2=min, 3=max, c=chars|w=words, f=freq|t=tfidf, 4=num x 100
- -x.tm=5 text token matrix. turn text into word frequency matrix. 5=number of features
- -x.ts=5 text token sequences. columns are padded sequences of words. 5=number of features
- -x.cm=5 text char matrix. turn text into character frequency matrix. 5=number of features
- -x.bert text extraction. 768 features from text to a dense matrix with multi-language bert transformer model
- -x.mobert text extraction. 512 features from text to a dense matrix with multi-language mobile bert transformer model
- -x.d=e *text extraction from custom dictionary. e=dictionary. check https://github.com/facells/learnipy/tree/main/resources
- -x.rsz[=32] image resize custom feature extraction. 32=size 32x32, default 16x16 (768 features)
- -x.resnet *image extraction. 2048 features from pre-trained imagenet model
- -x.vgg *image extraction. 512 sparse features from pre-trained imagenet model
- -x.effnet *image extraction. 1408 dense features from pre-trained imagenet model
- -u.km=2 kmeans, centroid clustering. add a new colum to dataset. results in log.txt. 2=num clusters
- -u.kmpp=2 kmeans++, centroid clustering. add a new colum to dataset. results in log.txt. 2=num clusters
- -u.sc=2 spectral clustering. add a new colum to dataset. results in log.txt. 2=num clusters
- -u.optics optics, density clustering. add a new colum to dataset. results in log.txt
- -u.msh mshift, density clustering. add a new colum to dataset. results in log.txt
- -u.ap affinity propagation exemplar clustering. add a new colum to dataset. results in log.txt
- -u.som self organising map, neural network clustering. add a new colum to dataset. results in log.txt
- -u.arl association rule learning with apriori. prints results in log.txt
- -u.corr=s|p correlation rankings and p-values. s=spearman (monotone+linear), p=pearson (linear). prints results in log.txt
- -u.corm=s|p correlation matrix. s=spearman (monotone+linear), p=pearson (linear). prints results in log.txt
- -o.if isolation forest. find and remove outliers using random forest regions
- -o.mcd minimum covariance determinant with ellipsis envelope. find and remove outliers using gaussian distribution
- -o.lof local outlier factor. find and remove outliers using optics less dense regions
- -s.base majority baseline for classification and regression
- -s.nb probabilistic models. complement naive bayes for classification, bayes ridge for regression
- -s.lr linear regression and logistic regression
- -s.lcm linear combination models, linear discriminant classifiction and partial least squares regression
- -s.sgd linear modeling with stochastic gradient descent
- -s.knn k nearest neighbors classification and regression
- -s.dt decision trees and regression trees
- -s.mlp multi layer perceptron
- -s.svm[=p3] svm (rbf kernel by default). p=polynomial kernel|r=rbf kernel (default), 3=kernel degrees
- -s.rf ensemble learning, random forest
- -s.ada ensemble learning, adaboost based on samme.r algorithm
- -s.xgb ensemble learning, xgboost
- -s.nn=f[51] deep learning. f=feedfwd|i=imbalance|r=rnn|l=lstm|b=bilstm|g=gru|c=cnn. 5= x10 units, 1=num layers
- -t.arma auto regression moving average
- -t.arima auto regression integrated moving average
- -t.sarima seasonal auto regression integrated moving average
- -t.hwes Holt-Winters exponential smoothing
- -e.tts=0.2 train-test split. 0.2=20% test split. ignored if test set is provided
- v0.0: developed the main features
- v0.1: added -u.corr, -u.arl, -x.w2v, -x.d2v, -s.sgd, -s.xgb, .zip input, -s.nn=c
- v0.2: added -x.bert, -x.tm, -x.ts, improved -s.nn, removed -e.cv (cross validation), fixed bug on text reading
- v0.3: improved -x.bert, -x.d and -d.viz, added -d.c, -d.s, -d.m, -d.r, -d.d, changed -d.gen to -g.d
- v0.4: added -d.export -g.mct, -u.som, -d.md, included -s.psvm in -s.svm, added wiki links, moved -u.w2v
- v0.5: added -p.trs, -p.tsw, -o.if, -o.mcd, -o.lof, -u.ap, fixed bug on .zip reading, improved -u.corr
- v0.6: improved anomaly detection evaluation, added -t., -x.mobert
- v0.7: added -x.effnet, -x.resnet, -x.vgg, -x.rsz, improved -u.corr, -x.ng, fixed bug on -d.c with .zip indexes
- v0.8: added/improved -u.corr and -u.corm, fixed -x.bert, removed w2v and d2v, added -d.f, -d.g, -d.k, -d.b
- v0.9: added -u.kmpp, -u.sc
- -g.mct (markov chains generated text)
- -g.gpt (gpt generated from text)
- add agent based models
- add process mining
- add network analysis
- add forecasting with sktime
- improve test set input