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PARTNR version v0.1.0 #76

PARTNR version v0.1.0

PARTNR version v0.1.0 #76

name: Install and test
pull_request: {}
- main
tags: [ "v*" ]
- cron: "0 5 * * *"
#this is 9PM PST
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
- name: Setup python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5.0.0
python-version: '3.9.16'
- name: install dependencies
run: |-
pip install -U pip setuptools pre-commit
# Install the hooks now so that they'll be cached
pre-commit install-hooks
- name: Check Code Style using pre-commit
run: |-
SKIP=eslint pre-commit run --show-diff-on-failure --all-files
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
- name: Setup python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5.0.0
python-version: '3.9.16'
- name: setup
run: |-
pip install black==23.1.0 --progress-bar off
pip install "isort[pyproject]" numpy --progress-bar off
pip install mypy==0.991 types-mock types-Pillow types-tqdm types-PyYAML --progress-bar off
pip install -r requirements.txt --progress-bar off
- name: run black
run: |-
black --version
ls -la
black --exclude '/(\.eggs|\.git|\.hg|\.mypy_cache|\.nox|\.tox|\.venv|_build|buck-out|build|dist)' habitat_llm/ dataset_generation/ --diff
black --exclude '/(\.eggs|\.git|\.hg|\.mypy_cache|\.nox|\.tox|\.venv|_build|buck-out|build|dist)' habitat_llm/ dataset_generation/ --check
- name: run isort
run: |-
isort --version
isort habitat_llm/. dataset_generation/. --diff
isort habitat_llm/. dataset_generation/. --check-only
runs-on: 4-core-ubuntu-gpu-t4
shell: bash -el {0}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
path: "./partnr-planner"
- uses: "./partnr-planner/.github/actions/install_ubuntu_deps"
- uses: "./partnr-planner/.github/actions/install_ubuntu_gpu_deps"
- name: Install pytorch
run: |-
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
conda activate partnr
conda install -y pytorch==2.4.1 torchvision==0.19.1 torchaudio==2.4.1 pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
echo "Validating Pytorch Installation"
# Check that pytorch is installed with CUDA.
python -c 'import torch; torch.cuda.set_device(0)'
- name: Install habitat-sim version tag
run: |-
#give cmake ownership to the runner for installation
sudo chown runner -R /opt/cmake312/
#activate conda env
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
conda activate partnr
conda install habitat-sim=0.3.3 withbullet headless -c conda-forge -c aihabitat -y
- name: Download test data
run: |-
# Disable clone protection for git lfs
git --version
git-lfs --version
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
conda init
source ~/.bashrc
conda activate partnr
conda install -y gitpython git-lfs
cd partnr-planner
git lfs install
# get the standard test assets from the downloader
python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --uids ci_test_assets hab_spot_arm rearrange_task_assets hab3_bench_assets partnr_episodes_ci hssd_partnr_ci ovmm_objects --data-path data/ --no-replace --no-prune
ln -s versioned_data/hab3_bench_assets/humanoids/ data/humanoids
ln -s versioned_data/ovmm_objects/ data/objects_ovmm
#post process symblinking for convenience
# Create a folder for skills
ln -s versioned_data/partnr_episodes_ci/checkpoints data/models
# Create a folder for RAG dataset to set RAG
ln -s versioned_data/partnr_episodes_ci/test_rag data/test_rag
- name: Install submodules and partnr
run: |-
#give cmake ownership to the runner for installation
sudo chown runner -R /opt/cmake312/
#activate conda env
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
conda activate partnr
cd partnr-planner
#clone submodules
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Install submodules
pip install -e third_party/habitat-lab/habitat-lab
pip install -e third_party/habitat-lab/habitat-baselines
pip install -e third_party/transformers-CFG
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install the library
pip install -e .
- name: run tests
run: |-
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
conda activate partnr
cd partnr-planner
python -m pytest -s habitat_llm/tests
python -m pytest dataset_generation/tests
#NOTE: use the below to debug with ssh: simply move this "job" just before the crashing job to intercept the workflow
#- name: Debugging with tmate
# uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3.18