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Flesh and Blood cards

@flesh-and-blood/* breaking changes

  • Card data has it's own package (@flesh-and-blood/cards)
  • Card search has been added to this repo and has its own package (@flesh-and-blood/search)
  • Card typings and enums have their own package (@flesh-and-blood/types)
  • More documentation updates to come soon

8.0 breaking changes

  • card.images has been deprecated in favor of card.printings
  • defaultImageName has been renamed defaultImage for brevity
  • specialImageName has been renamed specialImage for brevity

7.0 breaking changes

  • card.rarity has been deprecated in favor of card.rarities

Overview and installation

A library of all Flesh and Blood cards, available as a bundled TypeScript file with matching interfaces. Source data comes from the amazing the-fab-cube/flesh-and-blood-cards repository maintained by Tyler Luce - all credit goes to him, and all errors are probably added by me in this project 😅.

To install card data run npm i --save @flesh-and-blood/cards. To install card typings and enums run npm i -S @flesh-and-blood/types.

Access the card data in your project:

import { cards } from "@flesh-and-blood/cards";

cards.forEach((card) => {
  // do stuff with the card data

Card interfaces

Card contains all of the fields that could show up for any particular card. Required fields can be found on every card, while optional fields may or may not exist on any given card.


Field Data type Examples
artists string array [ "Riordan Delmiro" ]
cardIdentifier string "snatch-red", "aether-wildfire-red"
classes Class enum array ["Generic"], ["Warrior","Wizard"]
defaultImage string "1HP001.width-450"
legalHeroes Hero enum array ["Arakni"],["Dromai","Fai"]
name string "Rain Razors", "Pummel"
printings Printing array see Printing
rarities Rarity enum array ["Super Rare"], ["Token", "Majestic"]
setIdentifiers string array [ "1HP009", "CRU006" ]
sets Release enum array [ "History Pack 1", "Crucible of War" ]
specialImage string "1HP001.width-450"
subtypes Subtype enum array ["1H", "Dagger"], ["Aura"]
types Type enum array ["Action"], ["Hero"]
typeText string "Elemental Ranger Action – Arrow Attack"


Field Data type Examples
arcane number 1, 5
cost number 0, 10
defense number 3, 4
functionalText string "If Snatch hits, draw a card."
fusions Fusion enum array [ "Earth", "Ice" ]
hero Hero enum "Rhinar", "Dori"
intellect number 3, 4
isCardBack boolean true
keywords Keyword enum array [ "Boost" ]
life number 18, 40
meta Meta enum array [ "Expansion slot", "Rainbow" ]
oppositeSideCardIdentifier string "invoke-kyloria-red", "tomeltai"
oppositeSideCardIdentifiers string array [ "invoke-kyloria-red" ], [ "mistcloak-gully" , "pass-over-blue" ]
pitch number 1, 2, 3
power number 3, 14
restrictedFormats Format enum array [ "Blitz" ]
specialArcane string "X"
specialCost string "XX", "3X"
specialDefense string "*"
specialPower string "*"
specializations Hero enum array ["Dromai" , "Fai"]
talents Talent enum array [ "Draconic" ]
young boolean true

Printing contains information about the different printings a card has had (e.g. different sets, foilings)

Field Data type Examples
edition string of ReleaseEdition enum "Alpha", "Unlimited"
foiling string of Foiling enum "Cold", "Rainbow"
identifier string "1HP001"
image string "1HP001.width-450"
isExpansionSlot boolean true
set string of Release enum "Dynasty", "Uprising"
treatment string of Treatment enum "Alternate Art", "Extended Art"



"NotClassed", "Generic", "Adjudicator", "Bard", "Brute", "Guardian", "Illusionist", "Mechanologist", "Merchant", "Ninja", "Ranger", "Runeblade", "Shapeshifter", "Warrior", "Wizard",


"Blitz", "Clash", "Classic Constructed", "Commoner",


"Earth", "Ice", "Lightning",


"Token", "Common", "Rare", "Super Rare", "Majestic", "Legendary", "Fabled", "Promo",


// Full sets
"Arcane Rising", "Crucible of War", "Dynasty", "Everfest", "History Pack 1", "Monarch", "Tales of Aria", "Uprising", "Welcome to Rathe",

// Hero/blitz decks
"Boltyn Blitz Deck", "Briar Blitz Deck", "Bravo Blitz Deck", "Chane Blitz Deck", "Classic Battles: Rhinar vs Dorinthea", "Dorinthea Hero Deck", "Ira Welcome Deck", "Katsu Hero Deck", "LeviaBlitzDeck", "Lexi Blitz Deck", "Oldhim Blitz Deck", "Prism Blitz Deck", "Rhinar Hero Deck",

// One-offs


"Draconic", "Earth", "Elemental", "Ice", "Light", "Lightning", "Royal", "Shadow",


"Action", "Attack Action", "Attack Reaction", "Defense Reaction", "Equipment", "Hero", "Instant", "Mentor", "Resource", "Token", "Weapon",


"Arakni", "Azalea", "Benji", "Boltyn", "Bravo", "Briar", "Chane", "Dash", "Data Doll", "Dorinthea", "Emperor", "Genis Wotchuneed", "Ira", "Iyslander", "Kano", "Kassai", "Katsu", "Kavdaen", "Kayo", "Levia", "Lexi", "Oldhim", "Prism", "Rhinar", "Ruu’di", "Shiyana", "Taylor", "Valda", "Viserai", "Yorick",


"Arcane Barrier", "Battleworn", "Blade Break", "Blood Debt", "Boost", "Channel", "Charge", "Combo", "Crush", "Dominate", "Essence", "Freeze", "Fusion", "Go Again", "Heave", "Intimidate", "Legendary", "Mentor", "Negate", "Opt", "Phantasm", "Reload", "Reprise", "Specialization", "Spectra", "Spellvoid", "Temper", "Thaw", "Unfreeze",

Working with the card data project

Card data

Data transformations

There are three steps involved in transforming the .tsv source data into typed .ts code - executed via npm run transform.

  1. src/parser.ts reads from the .tsv file and converts the data into JavaScript objects (performing basic steps like converting comma-delimited lists into arrays)
  2. src/mapper.ts takes the parsed card data and transforms it to match the interfaces in src/interfaces.ts
  3. src/writer.ts creates .ts files containing the card information and all types

Bundling the library

To generate the distributed package code run npm run build after transforming the data.