- Datetime - Show datetime;
- Weather - Show weather;
- Playerctl - Show playerctl;
- Spt - Show Spotify;
- Homebrew - Show Homebrew;
- yay - Show yay;
- battery - Show battery;
Inactive | Active |
Add plugin to the list of TPM
plugins in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'fabioluciano/tmux-tokyo-night'
Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it. You can now use the plugin.
Configuration | Description | Avaliable Options | Default |
@theme_variation |
The tokyo night theme variation to be use | night , storm , moon |
night |
@theme_active_pane_border_style |
#737aa2 |
@theme_inactive_pane_border_style |
#292e42 |
@theme_left_separator |
@theme_right_separator |
@theme_window_with_activity_style |
italics |
@theme_status_bell_style |
bold |
@theme_plugins |
datetime , weather , playerctl , spt , homebrew , yay , battery |
datetime,weather |
@theme_disable_plugins |
Disables plugins | 1 , 0 |
0 |
Prints informations about the current date and time.
Configuration | Description | Avaliable Options | Default |
@theme_plugin_datetime_icon |
Any character 📅 | Nerd Font 'Calendar' icon | |
@theme_plugin_datetime_accent_color |
@theme_plugin_datetime_accent_color_icon |
@theme_plugin_datetime_format |
Prints informations about the current weather. It uses
to parse the response. Make shure to have it;
Configuration | Description | Avaliable Options | Default |
@theme_plugin_weather_icon |
Any character 🌡️ | Font Awesome 'Cloud' icon | |
@theme_plugin_weather_accent_color |
@theme_plugin_weather_accent_color_icon |
@theme_plugin_weather_format |
Format for displaying weather information | %t , %c , %h , %w (temperature, condition, humidity, wind) |
%t+H:%h |
@theme_plugin_weather_location |
Location for weather (city/country) | "City, Country" |
IP-based location detection |
set -g @theme_plugin_weather_location 'Blacksburg, United States'
Prints informations about the current song playing. Does not work in
, because it usesMPRIS
, and is only available inLinux
Configuration | Description | Avaliable Options | Default |
@theme_plugin_playerctl_icon |
@theme_plugin_playerctl_accent_color |
@theme_plugin_playerctl_accent_color_icon |
@theme_plugin_playerctl_format |
Shows battery charging status (charging or discharging) and battery percentage.
Configuration | Description | Avaliable Options | Default |
@theme_plugin_battery_charging_icon |
Icon to display when charging | Any character | |
@theme_plugin_battery_discharging |
Icon to display when on battery | Any character | |
@theme_plugin_battery_red_threshold |
Show in red when below this % | 0-100 | 10 |
@theme_plugin_battery_yellow_threshold |
Show in yellow when below this % | 0-100 | 30 |
@theme_plugin_battery_red_accent_color |
Color when < red threshold | Palette color | red |
@theme_plugin_battery_red_accent_color_icon |
Icon color when < red threshold | Palette color | magenta2 |
@theme_plugin_battery_yellow_accent_color |
Color when < yellow threshold | Palette color | yellow |
@theme_plugin_battery_yellow_accent_color_icon |
Icon color when < yellow threshold | Palette color | orange |
@theme_plugin_battery_green_accent_color |
Color when > yellow threshold | Palette color | blue7 |
@theme_plugin_battery_green_accent_color_icon |
Icon color when > yellow threshold | Palette color | blue0 |
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-pain-control'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-logging'
set -g @plugin 'fabioluciano/tmux-tokyo-night'
### Tokyo Night Theme configuration
set -g @theme_variation 'moon'
set -g @theme_left_separator ''
set -g @theme_right_separator ''
set -g @theme_plugins 'datetime,weather,playerctl,yay'
run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
Enable transparency with default separators:
### Enable transparency
set -g @theme_transparent_status_bar 'true'
Can also use custom separators:
### Enable transparency
set -g @theme_left_separator ''
set -g @theme_right_separator ''
set -g @theme_transparent_status_bar 'true'
set -g @theme_transparent_left_separator_inverse ''
set -g @theme_transparent_right_separator_inverse ''