Genetic Programming for Shader Simplification
This project implements the work on "Genetic Programming for Shader Simplification" by Sitthi-Amorn et al:
Pitchaya Sitthi-Amorn, Nicholas Modly, Westley Weimer, and Jason Lawrence. 2011. Genetic programming for shader simplification. ACM Trans. Graph. 30, 6 (December 2011), 1–12. DOI:
Ensure you have installed the correct dependencies:
pip3 install -r .
Then, you can run the program as follows:
This will spawn a window where a model is shown twice side-by-side respectively using the original shader and the evolved shader. In the console, you can observe the progress of the generations. Afterwards, the individuals in the Pareto front will be displayed.
To list the available options, you can run:
python3 --help
Shadevolution is available under the MIT license.